Two summers ago, I started working at a camp...a haunted camp. No one has ever shared these stories outside of the camp, in fear it may scare campers away.  During staff week I heard talk of ghosts and spirits at the camp; but being a skeptic, I just blew them off.  The more I listened, the more real it became. Senior staff members, even the camp director, told stories that chilled me to the bone. Several staff members have died at the camp, all of old age (It is such a great camp it takes people in as staff members and they never want to leave).  One was a chain smoker and another was the ranger's wife.  She died in what is now the present ranger's child's bedroom. 

Not knowing what to believe, I sat around a campfire at the end of staff week on Friday night with four of my new friends and a man who was a senior staff member.  He was one of the strictest men I had ever met.  He was also the kind of person who would never tell a lie, especially not for amusement. He told us of how when he was a boy, he and six of his friends were walking down the main trial and saw something. There is a mammoth rock on the left side of the road, and a lake on the left, down a hill. He said they saw what appeared to a strange glow emanating from behind the rock.  Then he described what looked like a pillar of fog, bright white and glowing...float across the road. When it reached the woods on the right side of the road, it seemed to just fizzle out. He and his friends stopped dead in their tracks, about 20 feet away from it.  Finally; after about thirty seconds, one of them said "Did you guys see that too?" and they all nodded in agreement.  Several years later I heard a similar incident from a couple.  They said they had been walking around the area of this rock, when the "pillar of light" went across the road. Oddly, the man that had told me the story the previous year had not returned, and no one to my knowledge had told these two people this story.  Strangely, they both gave the same description.  But one of them said that halfway across the road they saw the bottom split into two, and saw the outlines of legs.

Since staff week was over and it was getting close to the time when campers would start arriving.  I wasn't going to allow myself to be distracted by ghost stories...that was...until my fifth week up there.  It was late, around 11:00 and I was walking to the shower house (which is right around the area where the man had said his encounter with the glow behind a rock). It was dark, but I knew the trail and I knew there was a light on at the shower house. As I walked along the trail, I thought it was strange I hadn't seen the light of the building yet, but I continued on. After about ten minutes in to my walk, I fished a tiny flashlight out of my pocket, because I knew I should only have about five minutes before reaching the shower house. I turned the head and it flicked on. For about half a second I saw the name of the camp on a sign. I found this odd, because it was about a mile away from where I was supposed to be. The main trail makes a gigantic circle in about a 2 mile diameter. I started at a location I'll say was around a 7 O'clock position, my destiny was only at a 10 O'clock location, there is another location at 12 O'clock and then there are campsites all along the way, until it circles back around to 6 O'clock, where there is one final, undisclosed part of the camp at 6 O'clock. So I started at 7 O'clock, walking clockwise and somehow I ended up at about 3 O'clock where I turned on the flashlight. I never came to my destination nor passed any locations in between and knew I never strayed off the trail because it is thick forest. How I got there, I have no idea. I had a hell of a time getting back though, as I was not acquainted with this part of the trail and had never walked it at night. After walking in to two different campsites and asking for directions (wearing a staff shirt...imagine my humiliation) I made it back. But my question was "How did I go around this entire camp in only 10 minutes when it would normally take much longer?" Very strange and I'm still puzzled to this day how this happened.

The only other thing that happened to me; along with a friend, that summer was on one of the docks. I was walking on it at night; without a flashlight, because it is staff tradition to not carry them.  The platforms to the dock tend to rock back and forth in the water when you walk on them. We were walking across the platforms, when all of a sudden the platforms seemed to be rocking a little too much for comfort. I told my friend to stop, and we did. The dock consists of about 10 platforms, and we were on about the seventh. When we stopped and looked back, we saw the second platform rock...then the third....then the fourth started to rock and then the fifth, it was as if someone were walking across them, but there was nobody there. We didn't stick around to wait and see what happened when it reached the sixth...we just took off running.  Another odd thing about these docks is, every time fire is brought onto to them, it will go out. I learned quickly one night when I was lighting the trail torches for an event. Every time I tried to light the torches, the lighter and torches would mysteriously smother out.

When I returned for my second summer, there was a new camp director and some of the tradition was lost. Ghost stories went along with it and there was almost no talk during staff week. At the end of the week, most of the staff went home for the weekend, but I knew some people that were staying across the lake for the weekend, who were having a party. It got a bit too rowdy for me and I left. I went back to camp to find myself the only one there, except for the camp director and assistant director...but they were asleep. As I was walking down the trail to my housing area, I saw a light about 100 yards in front of me appear.  It appeared to be moving back and forth across the ground, as if someone were carrying a flashlight.  When I got about 200 yards away from one of the buildings, I heard a door slam. I was sure that no one else had stayed back, but I thought perhaps I was wrong and someone had. There are two sides to the housing area.  I lived in the opposite side of where I heard the door slam. I slept on the left and what made me recognize the sound, was that the right door stuck...it has its own unique, distinctive sound, so I recognized this door being slammed immediately.  Again, I figured someone must have stayed back, so I didn't bother checking and I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the door creaking from the middle room. I breathed in deeply and faintly smelled smoke. The smell started to get stronger....I stayed in bed and pulled the covers tightly over my head.  I couldn't help but think about the chain smoker who had died at the camp prior….knowing this was his favorite hang out, wondering if it could be him. I had a really hard time trying to fall asleep that night.  I smell of smoke lingered along with the intense feeling of being watched.

Another incident that happened, not to me, but I was first to hear, was on the rifle range. The third person to die had been the rifle range director (it was not an accident, he died of old age).  One night, the present rifle range director came jogging up to a group of us, slightly out of breath. When we asked what happened, he said he was the last one at the range, pulling down targets, when something tapped his shoulder. He turned to look…it tapped his other shoulder. He looked back, and it poked him in the side. Frightened, he said, "Is that you ****** (the name of the third person)?"…the prodding stopped. The man that had died had been a real practical joker.

All in all, it is freaky, but you get used to it. It IS real.  I am going back this summer, and who knows, maybe when I come back I will have more to add to this…we will see! Read more encounters by this contributor on our Ouija board page (Click Here to be forwarded)

I've been going to a summer camp for about five years. Three as a regular camper, one as a Staff Aide, and the latest as a sort of counselor in training. The counselors usually range in age from sixteen or seventeen to about twenty or twenty one.

The way the camp is set up is slightly odd. There's upper camp, where you have the bunkhouse, the archery and rifle ranges, the adventure (climbing) area, and the sports areas. Lower camp is about a quarter of a mile walk to a main road, where you cross that road and you have the building where the meals are served, the lake, and the area's for waterfront classes.

During the staff week when I was a staff aide (I wasn't there personally) two counselors, Ryan and Pat, were coming up from locking up the lower camp areas, when they heard someone calling for help. It was coming from the woods (the little dirt road to upper camp is wooded on both sides) so they went on one of the nature paths, asking where the person was. It sounded like a man. Finally, nothing happened, so they turned and started walking back up, wondering what it could have been. They heard footsteps and labored breathing behind them and turned around to look.

No one there.

So, they kept walking and again, heard the footsteps and breathing. They broke into a run, screaming bloody murder for other counselors to come. When they reach the top of a small hill in the road, they turned to look again. They saw a man walking back down the road and heard 'you didn't help me'. A few of the other counselors came rushing out, and also saw the back of the man before he disappeared in front of their eyes.

A few years before I started going, it was a Thursday of the only teen week that year (kids age 12 to 16 only), which is always the hardest night for night watch. The head counselor and director were both their, as well as the four others who had that night assigned to them. About ten minutes before night watch ended (at 12), they heard someone screaming.

Thinking it was a camper who had somehow managed to sneak out, they ran to the woods, where they saw a boy about fifteen years old stumble out, face bloody, clothes torn, and dirty. They brought him up to the bunkhouse porch, where they sent the other four to get a phone, first aide supplies, and clothes from the lost and found, and blankets.

The director stayed with him, and the head counselor ran down to lower camp to get the other counselors back up in their cabins to keep whatever campers that woke up calm.

The director was on the radio, and had managed to finally get out that the boy and his friends had been camping in the woods, and his friends beat him up, took everything, and left him. He had been out there two days. The director relayed the information to the other counselors with radios and when she turned back to the boy-he was gone.

They searched nearly all night, and still couldn't find him. They called the police, but the police said the only report of that missing boy had come three years ago, and they had found him two years ago-dead.

The summer I spent as a counselor in training culminated in my last night watch of the summer with another girl, and two guys. One guy had gone into the boy's bunks to sit for an hour (the boys bunks separated into four doorless cabins, and from cabin one, you can see just about everything). He was sitting on his bed, with his flashlight on, when he heard what sounded like running. He stood up, and looked around but didn't see anything. He sat down, and that's when he saw what looked like an eight year old boy crouched low, running towards him.

He told him to stop, but he didn't, and jumped onto the other counselor's bed, then disappeared. He came running out, told the other male counselor, who went in with him and saw two eyes peeking over a top bunk. They both came running out, told me and the other female counselor, and we commenced to wondering what the heck was going on. Finally, we all got up our courage, and myself and the other female counselor went back into the girl's side while the guy's went back to the boy's side.

While the other girl and I were in there, we saw a little girl walk past us, blood dripping form her nose, yelling to someone where the Kleenex was. Another voice told her to just wipe it on her hand or they were going to be late for their next class.

Needless to say, we ran out of there, with barely suppressed screams and ran into the two guys who were running out, saying that they had just seen the boy jumping on the empty beds and singing 'Old McDonald'. Read another story contributed by this person on our Ouija board page (Click Here to be forwarded)

(The Gilli's)
My sister has told me this story that happened when she was younger.  My grandma's brother was killed in the war before we ever got to meet him.  We had seen a lot of pictures of him, so we had a good image of what he looked like.  Anyway, my 2nd youngest sister was at the babysitter's house that lived across the street from us.  My sister was going over to pick her up.  When she started to go over to their house she saw a man leaning against the neighbor's truck smiling at her.  She immediately knew it was my grandma's brother.  She turned around to go into our house to tell me.  When she turned around before she went in to see if he was still there, he was gone.  I do believe that it was him that she saw that day.

Two summers ago my sister was living with me and when we get together all kinds of crazy things happen. Anyway, I had a guy friend on the phone. I sat the phone down on my leg to answer a question my sister had asked me. When I picked up the phone my friend yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I asked "What?" He said "THERE WAS GROWLING AND SCREAMING ON THE PHONE!" I said "Yeah, Okay" but he had already hung up. My sister asked what I was laughing about and before I could answer we heard very loud growling come out of the middle of my livingroom. Nothing was in there. Needless to say I RAN out of the house leaving her standing there in shock.

(Please note, the names in this story have been changed to ensure anonymity to the contributor of this story all mentioned in this story.)
My girlfriend and I had just moved into our new house.  The house had been built in 1981 and had been owned by a pastor and his wife. After several years they decided to move and rented out the house to several different tenants. Over time, the house became known as the neighborhood "Crack house". Eventually the pastor decided to return and renovated the house in preparations of a quick sale. That is how we came into possession (no pun intended) of the house.

We decided to immediately start our own renovations, painting and little odds and ends. One thing I decided to do was replace all the hollow core flat panel doors in the house with six panel solid core doors. While I was replacing the door into my girlfriends son's room, I had told her son Randy, who was  eight at the time and my daughter Katie, who was seven at the time to stay in the living room and entertain our new puppy "Toby". To keep the kids and the dog out of the area I was working in, I had put up a baby gate that we use to cordon off the dog while we sleep.

The kids started to get bored with staying put in the living room, and started to wander all over the house. Several times they attempted to get past the baby gate, but I had tools lying all over so I refused. At one point I had completely rebuilt the door frame, I heard children's laughter coming from my daughter's room which is right next to Randy's room. I stuck my head into the room, to ask how they got past me, but there was no one there. I had assumed at the time what I heard was Katie's laughter bouncing off the hallway walls. So I didn't think anything of it.

A short time later, only a few minutes, I was standing sideways to the hallway, installing the hinges for the door, when I saw Katie leap the baby gate and run into her room. What was odd about it is that there was no thump when she landed, but none the less she was in trouble for disobeying me, because I did not want her to get hurt from the tools on the ground. So I followed her into her bedroom, (two facts I forgot to point out is that: 1) I saw "her" out of the corner of my eye, and could describe ever detail of clothing "she" was wearing. 2) She had been playing dress up all day, and at one point was wearing a little white and pink Easter dress similar to what I saw.

When I got in to her bedroom I could not find or see her. I called her name saying that she knew she wasn't supposed to go past the baby gate. I also told her she better not hide from me because I didn't have time to play games.

At that moment I heard her calling me from out in the hallway asking me what I had said. When I went out into the hall she was wearing green pants and a black T-shirt. Then the hair on my neck stood up, I knew I saw a little girl jump over that baby gate.

Several months later I had talked to some of the people that lived in the neighborhood, about the previous occupants. They had mentioned that a little girl had lived there, but they said that they had not seen her for some time prior to the parents leaving. They had always wondered if the state took custody of her. I never told them what I had seen. I have also seen several other "events" but have never mentioned them to anyone else. My girlfriend refuses to believe any "haunting" stories even though I know she has experienced something herself.

My girlfriend's son Randy, is either ADHD or worse schizophrenic, (I hate using that term, but his biological father has the disease). He often talks about hearing voices, which for the most part I write off as being possibly a mental disorder. He is very emotional, and we will often find him in his room just crying. We are taking steps to get this under control. But he hates being in total quiet anymore, and needs to have some distraction. In cases were he turns his fan off, he can not sleep. Also he has a tendency to have whole conversations in his sleep. Granted I can only hear half of the conversation, but you can tell they are definitely whole conversations. My girlfriend talks in her sleep as well, but it never makes sense.

Something else that I find odd, is that talking about hearing voices, I have at several times heard "Parlor music" very faint, but it is there. My girlfriend says she doesn't hear it, and I believe her. The odd thing is the music is something that I never heard before. I would understand if it was a song I knew, and sub-consciously I was singing/humming it in my head, but again I have never heard the song before and the chorus (repeating) part is the same. If someone were sub-consciously doing this wouldn't the chorus change?  It only lasts a couple of minutes, and I am still completely awake. The other part is I have to have a fan on, because I can not sleep in total quiet, and I can still hear it.

The other night, about 2:00 am, my girlfriend and I were still awake. I was up getting something to drink and my girlfriend had gone to the restroom. All of a sudden we started hearing very distinctly someone humming "Three blind mice". No words…just humming. We thought maybe one of the kids was humming in their sleep but the sound was coming from the kitchen or maybe the living room, as it was behind me. If the sound was coming from one of the kid's rooms it would have been in front or me. By the way we live in a single story rambler. When my girlfriend came out of the bathroom, we both asked each other at the same time, if one of us was humming.

The next day, we asked the kids if either one of them knew "Three Blind Mice" and both of them thought I was talking about some board game.  Oddly, our dog "Toby" is normally underfoot all the time. However during this time he was curled up in a ball on my girlfriend's side of the bed, which he never does. He was awake, but he looked like he was scared. That is the first time he has done that.

Hello, my name is Wren and I am 20 years old. I suppose my first experience with ghosts, and my most intense as well, happened when I was around 4 or 5 years old.  I had been staying at my dad's house for the weekend, and everything was normal.  Around 2:30 AM I woke up and turned over as to get out of bed, when I was greeted by a red face staring at me, he (I'm not sure if it was a he but for the stories sake I will address him as such).  After looking at him for 2 minutes his lips started moving, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.  My parents had dismissed it as nothing more than a night terror, and for about 13-14 years I had believed it was nothing more than that. When I was 18 I was again visiting my dad's house again, and woke up around the same time and walked down stairs to get a glass of water.  As I opened the door from the upstairs (by this time my dad lived in a remodeled attic, where this originally happened was on the first floor) and looked into the dining room, where there was the same figure sitting at the table, we stared at each other for a moment, and again he attempted to say something to me.  I have not had an experience with him since, but I do now know that he was more than just a night terror.

When I was a little girl I had few encounters on the road seeing things as well as my house sometimes alone or with some one else, well there is my last encounter.

Back in 2000, My family and I were celebrating the last day of the year December 31, it was around 11 pm when my mother started to feel sick so she decided to got to bed the only problem was that I did know so my cousin and I were bored I decided to play a joke to my brother he was and our house we were on my grandmother's house which is just about 10 feet from my mother's so we decided to scare my bother who doesn't to be scare, well we were just ready to do it we started to walk and I told my cousin you will knock in the right window and I will knock the left and hide that way he won't see us  we started to walk towards the house watching carefully that he couldn't see us we saw somebody walking from the living from my bother was watching tv. to the kitchen it was like my bother had to see it because in order to go to the kitchen to have to pass the living room so my cousin and I saw this person the only thing was that the walk was slow but smooth at the same time so we look at each other same he went o the kitchen we can scare him because there no window there so started to walk again and to tell my brother about our joke when at the same time my brother came towards us asking what I you two doing in here and we said " is there somebody in here with you my mom maybe and cousin who about my mom said no she is sick it cannot be her so who was with you we asked him he said nobody I was to scare to be watching TV alone that I decided to go back to grandma's house and said we saw somebody so we the three of us look at each other and started to run like crazy so the one with the joke were at the end the scared one oh and by the way it was a women quite young my grandma said that could it be my cousin Migdalia who committed suicide almost 20 years ago and because she was so close to my mother is around all the time.

When I was about 15 I had the scariest thing in my life happen. I was staying the night with a few friends at a friend's home. There were 4 girls sleeping that night with two on the bed and two on the floor. I remember looking at the clock before falling asleep and it was about 2:45 in the morning. I was awoken about half an hour later by my best friend she was shaking me as if something was wrong. When I asked her why she was shaking me she told me "There is a man outside. He's on a bicycle wearing a hat. He wants his pillow and CD back." I must say just hearing someone say that would scare you enough when you know you are home alone. She then proceeded to lie back down, but got up a few moments later. This time she said the same thing to another friend named Crystal. I looked at Crystal and asked her what she thought our friend meant by this. At this point I wasn't sure what to do. Crystal got up and turned the lights on. When we looked at our friend, Jami, we noticed she was standing up and shaking. Her eyes were closed. We at first thought she was pulling a prank on us until she proceed to say out loud, " I told them, I told them, they won't listen to me. Just come through the window. At this point Jami with her eyes still closed starts walking over to the window. At this point the 4th girl is already awake and begins to freak out about the situation. As Jami gets to the window and begins to open it the 5th girl pushes her into the window and we all run out of the room. We are standing outside the room looking at Jami. Jami then turns around and looks at us and asks us what we are doing outside the room. When we told her what happened she had no recollection of any of it.

Jami though has had many things happen to her throughout the years like this. There was one incident in my basement as well as numerous times that I wasn't sure if it was a dream of not but of Jami getting out of bed walking to  particular parts of the house and sitting down for a couple minutes and then getting back up to bed. There is one night that I cannot tell if it happened or if I was dreaming but I just remember vaguely seeing her standing over the sofa I was sleeping on with a knife in her hand... I don't know why I wouldn't have woken up at this point.

Come to find out later that night that weird things had been happening in this house for a number of years. The girl who lived in the house told us a story about how her older brother at 17 began screaming at the top of his lungs for help one night while sleeping in the basement. When he parents went down to see what was wrong, he told them that there was someone at the edge of his bed that was trying to suffocate him by holding him down in bed.

Luckily the night our story happened, they were in the process of moving. I won't even drive by that house anymore.

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