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When I was about 17 or 18, I was at a friend's house….a friend who swears to this day her house is haunted.  She claims that her and other family members would hear all kinds of sounds….especially when they were alone or if it were an exceptionally quiet night.  Something even tried to get in one of the doors once, but when they looked out the window to see who was there, they found nothing…no one.  Anyway, this particular night, my friends and I decided to play with an Ouija board.  I have never personally ever used one before…and after this incident, will never participate in using one again!  The planchette began moving on its own free will.  As if that weren't bad enough, we didn't properly close the session and I swear something evil followed me home that night.  I tried to tell my parents about it, but I don't think they believed me.  There were nights when I would hear what sounded like a stick being tapped on the walls, circling the whole parameter of my bedroom.  I feel that's where this evil entity dwelled, because the rest of the house was uneventful.  I began having horrible dreams.  I would wake up and try to get out of my room as fast as I could…always with some sort of interference, preventing me.  I woke up once and felt as if I couldn't get out of bed.  It was pitch dark….blacker than black that night.  I threw my blanket off and tried to find my way to the door.  It took me about ten minutes before I finally found the door handle and light switch….it was as if they had just vanished from my room for that period of time.  When I finally got hold of the handle to the door, for some reason I couldn't get that door to open for anything.  I had to pop my window out and crawl out of the room that way.  I had left home for a while….I returned to find my bedroom door wide open and just fine. One night, I also heard something fall in the bath room; next to where I was at…it was very loud.   After I finally moved out and in with my boyfriend (who is now my husband), it didn't seem to follow me…it continued to stick to only that room of my parents home.  My brother moved into my bedroom after I left and he too reported unusual occurrences in that room as well….but he seemed to experience more than I did.  He was so disturbed by the things happening in his room that he ended up putting all sorts of crosses, religious pictures and even a wooden statue of Christ he got from our pastor, all over his room for protection.  One day I went into his room and discovered the top of a statue appeared to be burned.  That's when he told me about the weird occurrences happening in his room…including the statue appeared to have smoke coming out of it.  Another disturbing thing that happened was that a cross had flipped in an upside down position in the middle of the night.  He also claimed he felt as if he were being choked at different times.  The same sounds I heard when I stayed in this room, he heard as well.  Eventually, a family bought the place from my parents.  They had two young girls, ages 11 and 12.  I was talking with a friend of mine and they told me that the new owners swear one of the rooms is haunted…I can only guess what room they would be referring to.  I have no doubt that what ever we did that night with the Ouija board….what ever was moving that planchette came home with me…and to this day, still dwells in that one of room of our old home.

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I was 16 and living in Massachusetts when I first saw a real Ouija board in use. I went to my friend's house on a Friday night. His father used to buy us all beer and let us drink in his apartment.  His mother was kind of "hippie-ish" and very much into witch craft and things of that nature.  My friends and I were all playing Playstation one night, knocking back beers. I had just finished my beer and went to the kitchen to grab another, when I noticed all the lights were off and lit candles on the table.  My friend's mother and two other girls (who graduated years before me) were sitting at the table with an Ouija board. This wasn't one of those Milton Bradley boards you buy in a store....this thing looked ancient. It was a huge circle with all the letters, numbers and every spelled out word you could think of. The two girls had their hands on the planchette and my friend's mother had a pad and pen. As I walked by, I snickered to myself and shook my head. I remember one of the girls asking me what was so funny? As I turned to walk back to my friend's room, one of the girls said "Wait...wait! Come here and try this real quick if you think it's so funny".  So I did and 8 years later it still creeps me out to talk about it.   As soon as I put my hand on this thing, it began whirling around spelling out my first and last name. I was very impressed because neither of these girls knew who I was or at least I didn't think they did. The girls asked who we were speaking with. The board spelled out "T-H-I-S   I-S   A-J" so I began asking it questions about the future, still in disbelief. It answered all of them, but still...these were future questions that I was asking out loud. Anyone with their hand on this thing could be moving it to make any response they wanted. So I asked the girls "Does this work if I ask a question in my mind?" They told me to concentrate on a question and usually the spirit will answer. So I did. The board spelled out "Y-O-U   D-I-E   5-1" I was shocked. One of the girls said "Oh just asked it when you were gonna die. That's not always a good idea".  I asked one final question before ending my session, I asked: "AJ, what is my mother's middle name?"  Immediately the board spelled out "J-E-A-N-N-E".  I remember taking my hand off and my eyes welling up. That was when I knew right there that it wasn't the girls who were playing some magic trick on me. By this time all my friends were standing behind me laughing. I ran into the other room and sat down.  A few came in telling me I had too much to drink, but I know what I saw happen. Several of my friends tried to use it after me, but nothing worked for them so of coarse this led them to believe I was just drunk and making this up in my mind. I was not drunk that night and was in no doubt, in contact with this energy who called himself "AJ".  I didn't tell anyone this story for years. Only recently did I tell my mother all about it. I told her how this spirit knew her middle name and my name. When I told her his name was "AJ" she thought for a minute and said "You know, you had a great uncle named Armond Jones, but no one ever called him that. He was always called "AJ". I never knew of this man prior.  For a while I dwelled on the whole "Dead at 51" remark, but not so much now because some of the other "future-type" questions I was asking that night didn't come true. Maybe these spirits are just having fun with us.  When people say "I never want to touch an Ouija board again"...I concur. Today I would very much like to use a board again, but would be a little more careful with my questions. However I am 25 years old now and most people would call that sort of thing "Child's play".

Contributor Wishes To Remain
Two summers ago, I started working at a camp...a haunted camp. No one has ever shared these stories outside of the camp, in fear it may scare campers away.  During staff week I heard talk of ghosts and spirits at the camp; but being a skeptic, I just blew them off.  The more I listened, the more real it became. Senior staff members, even the camp director, told stories that chilled me to the bone.  On the fourth night of staff week I was invited to use the Ouija board in the chapel. I had used one as a child, but assumed it was always just people moving it around. This time was different. You can tell if the Ouija pointer (planchette) is working…because it floats. If someone is moving it, the pointer will scrape, but it was floating and making no noise. When we asked who it was, it gave three initials. We asked what it did before it died and it said "loging". We took this as "logging"….the camp used to be used for logging and a "lumberjack" was not likely to know how to spell correctly. We asked a few more uninteresting questions that I cannot recall, because I was preoccupied with the rustling I heard nearby. It was the unmistakable sound of footsteps. After about three minutes of hearing footsteps that sounded like they were walking around the chapel and gradually getting louder (oh yeah, the chapel is outside, and it just has a roof and foundation, it is not an enclosed building), all of the sudden the pointer wrenched sideways and fell upon the word "GO". We took the message to heed and beat foot out of there. This is my own personal account of an Ouija board experience, but according to another staff member's mother who decided to join one night, she was shaken back and forth by a spirit and the Ouija board flipped itself over.

The last incident of my second summer was in the chapel again. We were playing with the Ouija board again, but this time….we didn't get such a nice spirit. It said nasty things to us like "kill you" and "die". It said, "GO or DIE", so we decided to take the first option and we left. As we were walking away, I looked back and saw a face in the window of the small room connected to the chapel.  It was glowing silver. I was about fifty yards away and I could not make out much except an outline, but my friend saw it too and it was enough to make us run.  (Read more incidents about this haunted camp under our "Secret Locations" page in our reader submitted stories section.)

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Jade P.
During my rebellious teen years, my cousin Anthony and I were very close.  Our parents got together every week to play poker.  Being so young, our parents always brought us along with them.  One night the card game was hosted at our house.  While our parents were occupied with their poker game, Anthony and I entertained ourselves with the Ouija board.  This particular night was different from any other I've ever encountered.  Supposedly we weren't communicating with the spirit realm, instead we were communicating with the living....and they claimed to belong to some sort of "supernatural intuition circle".  They explained to us that each member of this circle's name began with the letters that spelled out "O-U-I-J-A".  They introduced themselves as "Owen, Ursula and Ingo"....oddly, my name started with the letter "J" and my cousins with the letter "A"....which completed the circle that night.  Unable to fathom the idea that such a coincidence would occur and that we would be participating in such an unbelievable session....My response was: "Okay, if you are alive then here is my phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx), call me".  Out of sheer curiosity, we began searching for the phone in case they did call us.  Just then we heard the phone ringing. The phone was next to my parents and their friend's in the other room, where they were playing cards.  My mom answered the was a collect call from Brazil.  She immediately hung up and asked us what was the reason for all this...suspecting we were responsible for the odd phone call.  Just then the phone rang again, this time the collect call was from California.  She hung up and started yelling at us...knowing we had something to do with the odd phone calls.  Our parents were aware we used the Ouija board, but were completely against it.  We were brought up in a Catholic family and not supposed to tamper around with such things.  Being we were young and rebels, we were addicted.  The phone rang once more that night; my other answered it and who ever it was...spoke a foreign language she couldn't she hung up the phone.  I will never forget how much trouble we got into that night because of this.  Needless to say, that wasn't the end our adventures with the Ouija board, we played it again many times afterwards and have many frightening stories to share about it.

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I've played with Ouija boards many times. And as most…I was extremely skeptical of the paranormal…especially Ouija boards. For my fifteenth birthday I bought an Ouija board and a group of about 6 girls, played.  Now the board moved (a lot), answered questions, so on and so forth. I've always thought in the back of my mind "HA, someone's moving it" and I'm sure, someone was. I put it away and never really tried touching it again until two years later. Then, two weeks ago when a summer night grew boring, I found the board in my closet. My friend Jessica and I decided to use the board.  Now, as I said before, the board "worked" before in front of me and a huge group of giddy little girls. And, I was always certain that some one was moving it, but this night, was NOT the case. The planchette was moving with such speed, our hands were chasing it across the board. It freaked me out. I never believed in it until that night. The person gave us their "information", etc. I guess it was a simple Ouija board conversation….we asked things like "Who we would marry", etc.  I played again a week later with two other people and talked with a man named "Q".  He apparently didn't like me. Every time I would ask a question, he would ignore me and he even said he didn't like me. I know it's against the rules and you're not supposed to ask the spirit to give you a sign that it is there... but we did it anyway. My friend's dog went totally insane outside her bedroom door and doors were closing downstairs in her house. That seriously freaked us out. Now I played AGAIN just two days ago with another friend and we spoke with a female that called herself "Evara" and said she knew my friend (Jacqi) in a past life in France or something. She wouldn't let us leave and said she had some urgent news for us. She kept giving us letters and we couldn't figure out what she was trying to say. Then she began to spell out a sentence. Basically she said "He sees trust Jacqi" ... "Find God".  Just to let you know my friend Jacqi used to be a real good kid and all that stuff, but the past year she has been rolling down hill and picking up some serious speed.  So, I can see how that is relevant to her life. Yesterday her and I played again and we spoke with a person that called herself "Terri" but then later told us she was kidding and gave us her initials "GES" or something similar. The person began just answering questions and then started telling us that we shouldn't be on the board and that it's dangerous. We asked it if she wanted us to leave, she replied "No".  Then she spelled out "Seed ten, serve God" and she said god was angry we were playing the board. Everything she said was not like she spelled out the whole sentence.  "God is angry you are playing this ladies", she spelled "ANGRY" and we asked if she was angry, she replied "No".  We asked if God was angry, she replied "Yes". Then we asked if it was because we were tinkering with the board, she replied "Yes". Anyway, she then told us we have talked to evil spirits before and God has protected us, but we need to stop. She spelled "Stop", "Stay away", "People are angry" (for us playing), "People pay" and "Quit".  Then she told us to go. I don't think I'm going to be playing with my OUIJA board, for a long time…if not forever!

Contributed by:
Mike G.
One night, my friend Ryan, Tiffany and I were using the Ouija board in Ryan's old room.  There wasn't much in the room except for a mini bookshelf, a closet, a TV hanging on the wall and a very dim gel light that barely lit the room.  I started to grow bored after contacting "friendly ghost" all night….so I decided to ask if there were any evil energies around, to show us their presence.  I asked if they would open the closet door real fast to scare us and the board replied "yes".  We decided to start counting down 10…9…8…7…6...(staring at the closet door waiting) …5…4…3…2…1.  All of a sudden, instead of the closet door opening…the gel lamp's cord got violently yanked from the electrical socket!  Right then, we realized we'd gotten more than we bargained for.  We all huddled in the corner, shocked.  We called the cell phone to one of the other people, elsewhere in the house to come help turn the main light on. When they came to the room…we discovered not only had the cord been yanked from the socket, but there were mysterious scratch marks near the socket as well.

Contributor Wishes To Remain
When I was fourteen, my sister, myself, and our friend Mia were bored half out of our minds during summer vacation a few years back. I'd heard about Ouija boards, and was fascinated by them, so I suggested we play. Keep in mind; this was about one in the morning. They agreed and since we didn't have a real one, we made one on the back of a box, using a cookie cutter for the planchette. We wrote down various words, numbers 1-20, and the alphabet. My sister didn't want to have her hands on it, so Mia told her to make up the questions and ask them. When Mia and I placed our hands on our planchette, my sister asked "Is Linda P---- (last name excluded for protection) here?" (Linda had committed suicide in our home before we bought it). The planchette flew to yes, and before my sister could say her next question out loud, spelled out my own name.  My sister said "Will she have a happy life?" and the planchette drifted between yes and no, and then moved to spell "J-U-L-Y" and hover above the numbers "2-8-2-0-0-5". We dismissed it, and my sister asked if Mia was going to remain a virgin until her wedding night like she wanted to. The planchette shot to the top of the box, out of our hands, and then spelled "R-A-P-E". Mia stared at me and I asked, "When?" It then spelled out "A-L-R-E-I-D-Y". Mia blinked and my sister said "When? Who?" It then moved to "J-U-N-E" and "1-9-9-8". It moved to spell out the name "R-Y-A-N".  The box then flew across the room, crashed into my stereo, and we heard my sister's door slam. We scrambled to right the box, and Mia grabbed our pointer, put it back on, and motioned for me to put my fingers back on it again.  She asked "Who's here?" and it spelled out "S-H-A-N-E". It then spelled out "D-E-A-T-H"  "D-R-I-N-K-I-N-G" and "G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N".  I finally figured it out. My cousin, Shane, had died the night of his graduation after he had been drinking and then went to drive his friend's home.  I asked, "How are you?" and he then told me not to go on the golf course in 2005. We asked him a few more questions, but nothing happened. After we gave it up and started talking about random, usually girl stuff, I noticed the pointer moving rapidly across the box. I poked Mia, and told her to look. We watched as it spelled out the name "Andy" and then the word 'murder'. I put my fingers back on it and Mia told me to let go, this was stupid, and I did.

Since that night, there's been a bullet lodged into my bedroom ceiling that no one can get out.

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When I  was about 12 years old, I went to my friend's family Halloween party. We were bored so we went to the garage to see what we could find to do. We found and old Ouija board sitting on the game rack and asked her aunt if we could take it back to my friends house. She said we could. So we did. When we got there we went to her room and shut all the lights off (except a little lamp). We were talking to someone and I didn't believe that it was moving on its own and blamed it on my friend. She asked the board to give us a sign that something was there. About 2 minutes later her dresser and bed started shaking really hard. It scared us so bad,  we put it away. We went to bed about an hour later and put the board under her bed neatly. When we woke up it wasn't there any longer. We haven't seen the board since.

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I've used the board twice and don't think I'll ever be using it again.  The first time was with my friend John. I had heard about the Ouija before, but never tried it. Being a firm believer in the supernatural; I had a feeling it was going to work…and sure enough, not even ten seconds in to our session, it was working.  I fell in to a trance-like state. We were on it hours, but it only seemed like 15-20 minutes. At first it told us it was a little boy.  It couldn't spell very well and it also claimed it had died of a sickness at a young age. Then it said bye.  We were so intrigued by the board we didn't want to stop, so we asked if there was anyone else out there that wanted to speak with us. Then a middle aged man claimed he was passing through noticed we were using the board. Then the most frightening thing happened of all. My friend John had a friend that died when he was 14 and he claimed to be his friend. I never met him, but my friend John was crying and I knew I wasn't moving it, so I know that this spirit either had to be John's friend or else it was an imposter. It was talking a lot about how he was in heaven and all kinds of other weird stuff. It soon became dark and we realized we had been on the Ouija for hours. The next incident was with another friend.  My friend Tina, her mom and myself decided to mess around with it one night. What ever we made contact with, claimed to be a spirit that haunted her house that she had lived in a few years back. It was an evil spirit or at least one that was kind of sick in the head. The spirit that claimed to be from her other house used to kill the rabbits they had in cages in their backyard. They said they would often go outside to feed them and to their horror, find one or two rabbits dead, seemingly killed by a broken neck. There would be smells of raw sewage and other nasty, foul smells in their backyard sometimes. Anyway, Tina's mom asked the spirit to prove that it was there by tapping on the wall…sure enough…there was a tap on the wall.  The tapping didn't come from the living room (the room we were in), but instead sounded as if it had come from Tina's bedroom, down the hall. By this point, I was pretty freaked out and if that wasn't enough, we decided to see if it could read minds. I often wonder if it was reading our minds or if we were tapping in to this entity and it influenced what numbers we chose. I still ponder over my strange experiences to this day and wonder how this board really works. I am still very curious, but I vowed never to mess with the board again. I have done some soul searching and my guess is that this board is like a piece of the tree of knowledge from The Garden of Eden. Knowledge we are not supposed to have; forbidden. From my own personal experiences, in my opinion, whatever is communicating through this channeling tool lies and can see into your mind if you open it and invite it in. It will seemingly know all your deepest darkest secrets….if you allow it to. My advice is to stay away from this thing, because when you look in to the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!

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Being an opened minded skeptic, I always believed that the "Ouija" was fake and someone always pushed the planchette around. My friend and I decided one day to see for ourselves.  One of us kept our eyes closed, while the other watched. I decided to close my eyes first and have a little fun scaring my friend.  I kept my eyes BARELY open…just enough to see what I was doing. I pushed it purposely to make it appear to spell out my friend's first name (just to freak him out). As I pushed it, I got to the third letter in his name and all of a sudden the planchette froze. It was as though it was cemented to the board. At this point my friend yelled "You were moving it!" because my hand went forward but the planchette stopped.  Being young, I said "No, I wasn't!"  He said "Gimme the mover" but it wouldn't budge.  My friend leaned over to me and said "Why won't it move?" just as he finished his sentence, the planchette began spinning on its own accord!  I grabbed and tugged at it until I was able to force it to "goodbye". Next thing we knew, the light turned off.  We made our way to my bedroom door and right then, we realized how quiet everything around us became.  We looked back at the planchette (which was the glow in the dark kind) and it looked so mysterious and eerie in the pitch dark. To this day, my Ouija board sits dusty in our game closet. No one ever believes that this happened except for my friend who was there to witness the whole thing.

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When I was 17, I moved in to a 2 bedroom unit.  Me and my mates made an Ouija board and used it.  I feel it must have opened a gateway for a bad entity.  When I moved in the house it made no noises, but after that; you could feel a bad presence.  Where ever this entity would go, the walls and ceiling around it would creak. At night I would be lying in bed and I could hear it creaking in the lounge room and then start to move into my bedroom.  I would then feel pressure on my bed and a feeling as though something was pushing down on the bed.  It would also turn things on like the fan over the stove and the heater; which was gas.  You could physically see the dial move.   Also, my mood started to change while I was there.  It got to the point where I was too scared to sleep there, so I stayed up at my mums a lot.  She got sick of it so she took her psychic circle there.  My mum has been talking to a spirit called Wayne for years.  She talked to the spirit and it said it didn't want to leave, but with the assistance of the spirit named Wayne, he made it leave.  When I returned home, I could feel the entity had gone.  (Please visit our Australia page to read more of Christine's experiences.)

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I had always heard stories of Ouija boards and was always quite curious about it after I saw my friends using one at a party. Soon enough I bought one from a woman online. The first time I used it, it worked right away! Most of the time, my younger sister and I played because everyone else in the house was too afraid. It always moved fast when we used it together. One day we got bored and brought it to what we thought was the scariest place in the house. Our small workshop filled with tools and junk. My sister told me to get candles while she set the board up. I was about 10 feet away from her when the lights suddenly went out! I looked at her and she was dead frozen because she was no where near the switch. We ran out of there so fast and screaming. We went back to put it away and decided to try again for a few more minutes. I was shaking but we put our hands on the planchette. It was moving around crazy trying to go to all four corners of the board. Then all of a sudden things in the room started falling. We were so freaked out yet the Ouija board and its mysteries, still fascinates me.

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I used to work in a Cottage hospital; built by local people, from money they received from raffles, knitting and other resources. The first Public TV was set up by a guy called Eddison, in that hospital. The top of three floors was the old nurse's home. Only about 16 rooms, it wasn't very big. Two large bathrooms and a roof access used for…Shhh….sometimes topless bathing. I lived a long drive off so I turned on my talents and cleaned a bathroom to use to save time. This allowed me to change at work if need be. On several occasions it was filled with hot water. Not by me… If there was ever a place for eyes watching you it was there. Ok to get to Ouija. Some guys were altering the water tanks in the roof. There were some old items of furniture in one or two rooms. One was a large dresser with mirror. They made some letters and tried with a felt tip pen tapped to a glass. Nothing happened. I had to patrol and lock it every night, a perfect setting for eyes on your back. You could feel them. All quiet and locked up.  I went home and the next morning the guys arrived to make an early start on the tanks so I took them up to unlock the Nurse's home. As I turned to go about my work, one of the guys was calling out "Come here", look at this.  The mirror was covered with the words. Not bad! Over and over, it all looked like the same writing. They didn't try it out again. Some weeks later I was unlocking as usual…the main ward. There were only two wards and this one was good for a cup off coffee. The doors however were locked. Inside was a desk pushed up against it. A nurse saw me and came to the door to move the desk and unlock the door. She went on to tell me at the start of her shift she was watching the day staff leaving through the door. A nurse appeared on the stairs to her left. She was wearing an old fashioned uniform. About 24 years old, with a medium build and short blonde hair.  She was wearing a black nurse cape.  She smiled and waved. As she approached the main door, she said it was like she turned slowly into a column of thin smoke. It slowly lowered and spread to the floor and looked as though it was being sucked under the door. I asked a nurse that was in a separate part of the hospital if she knew a blond nurse years ago; she has been there since a teenager. She described the woman that was seen the night before. Could it have been the Ouija board??? I am or was an Ouija fan. I even made my own board out of plywood.   I tried a test with an old girlfriend. I actually had a Victorian vase made about 1868.  It weighed in around 2 3/4 pounds and it would whiz round my board like something possessed.  Was it? I don't know much, but I do know that pushing that for a good hour would have had a very sore finger.  I used to split a deck of cards and using a small glass.  It would go to each pile then say two numbers, every single time.

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Jessica L.
I was 12 years old and spending the night at my friend's house in the southwest. She had an Ouija board and suggested that we play with it. I was intrigued, so I agreed. We contacted a spirit almost immediately and asked it what its name was. It obliged and told us his name was Ray. We asked a few questions and then got sleepy, so we went to bed… I do not recall if we said good bye or not, my guess is NO. This session did not strike me as odd and I never discussed it with anyone, as I probably would have been frowned upon by my religious friends for tampering with such a "toy". Then, 3 years later, I was at a different friend's 15th birthday sleep over and one of her guests brought an Ouija board. The girls set it up, lit candles and began a session. I did not want to touch the planchette, as I did not believe that the Ouija board was for real, but I did help ask questions. They were able to contact a spirit right away and I asked what its name was, the girls spelled out "R-A-Y". I went silent and white as a ghost, I felt shivers run up and down my spine, had I mentioned the incident to one of these girls, were they trying to scare me? No, I had not said anything to any of them and it was clear to me then that this was not just a game. I slowly regained my voice and told the girls to ask it if he knew me and he said yes! I thought we should ask some more constructive questions to ease my fears and we asked who the next president of the USA (it was Clinton at the time) would be and before the planchette could move, all the candles in the room blew out and a balloon on the floor popped. Every one screamed and ran out to the back yard… I had tears in my eyes and I felt beside myself. We could not imagine why this spirit would do such a nasty thing and I told the girls then that I had spoke to him before and he was pleasant. This made my friends even more scared… which I did not want to do. We gathered our wits and went inside. We put away the board and looked for what could have possible made the balloon pop and candles extinguish- there was nothing to account for the strange happenings. My friends and I never really spoke of the event again as it gave us all the willies and if our parents knew they would be upset. Five years later and I am in the mid-west telling ghost stories on a stormy night, sitting in a screened-in porch with nothing but candles for light, as the electricity had failed. The tales wander on to the topic of Ouija boards. After my friends told their equally (if not more) eerie Ouija board stories I offered to tell mine, but that I had never told anyone for fear that the spirit was following me. As I uttered these very words, a huge clap of thunder rang out followed by a flash of lightening and a gust of wind, every candle on the porch went out, except for one, the one sitting on the ledge and seemingly most susceptible to the wind, the one directly behind my head. I screamed in realization of what had just happened and, simultaneously, leaped into the lap of my friend bawling like a little baby. Even my friends could not believe their own eyes. I did end up telling them my story and each time I do it gets easier and I get less frightened. I can say this though; I will never again touch an Ouija board. I have since experienced ghostly encounters, but I just tell myself it is good old' Ray, saying, "Hello!"

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"I Am ZoZo"

Based on documented real experiences with a malevolent spirit that attacks people through Ouija boards. A full-length film shot entirely on
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