I was a very young child, so I really don't remember this happening, I just remember the story being told to me later. I was in a back bedroom playing and came running into the living room and told my mother "Mama, Mama, come see, there's a baby jumping up and down on the bed and it's walking up the walls!" This story was very disturbing because just a few years prior to this incident, my uncle had two babies that had died in that very room!

Another encounter I experienced in my parents home was one night after my sister Kimberly and I went to bed, I woke up to find a man standing on the side of my bed.  All I remember is seeing him just standing there, with red curly hair and dark rimmed glasses.  When it sunk in that this man was standing right next to me, I began screaming, closed my eyes and when I opened them, he was gone. I was so shaken by seeing this man, that I woke up my sister to tell her what happened. Later I found out that other family members also encountered a man in this very room. Although they never got a good look at him, they described nearly exactly what I experienced with waking up to find him right there, next to their bed.

When I was growing up, I remember my mother complaining about knocking in the pipes all the time. At the time, we thought it was just air in the pipes....but I can recall hearing it and now that I'm older, I recall a very distinctive sound of someone pounding on metal....it was definately not air in the pipes. I believe it may have something to do with the spirits traveling back and forth through the open well.

Another very odd thing that I witnessed in this house was right after our house caught fire. During the clean up of the debris, I happened to notice on a wall stud, right near the front door....on the very wall, my parent's had a picture of Christ hanging....I discovered a very unusual marking.  I called my cousin Dean over to take a look....to see if he agreed with what I was seeing.  What it was, was what appeared to be the sillouette of some sort of creature. I always thought it looked demonic. You could make out a very distinctive profile of an animal looking thing, with the head and open mouth with jagged teeth. The image is still there today, it was later covered up with sheet rock.
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These encounters were
experienced in Mama's home