My mother (Becky), brother (Glenn) and I used to came down to visit one summer and stayed in grandma's house for our visit. For as long as I can remember, even as a child, I always had an uncomfortable feeling in that house. It was like the air wasn't just cut and dry. There was always a very creepy feel to it. I'm twenty six now, and the only unsettling personal experience I had was when I was 17. One night I was laying on the couch in the living room, facing the street and my mom was on the other couch, facing the kitchen, which was directly opposite of me. My brother was laying on the floor on a cot. For some reason, I was extra uncomfortable on this trip. I found it hard to go to sleep and stayed up late watching TV, it seemed to help me to fall asleep, not to mention it was big screen TV and provided plenty of light. Anyway, the kitchen light was the kind that had a dimmer switch. I believe I'd already turned the TV off, because I was getting tired. I recall this as if it just happened yesterday. Someone or something came out of the back bedroom, at the end of the hall. No one was staying in that room at the was empty. After it came out of this room, I sounded like someone dragging their feet slowly down the hallway with a pair of slippers on. I felt my heart beginning to pound rapidly. I was wide awake by this time and I recall each event with accuracy. It slowly turned the light down, dimming the switch, as though they'd done it many times before, and felt comfortable doing this, like a routine. I had left this light on myself and was absolutely petrified as I noticed the light being turned off. I was glued to the couch and prayed intensely to the Lord to see me through this ordeal. This thing then began to walk around the kitchen for awhile. Then it just became very quiet, as if to stop for a moment. I laid there so still, as I didn't want it to even hear me breathing, because I didn't want to come to where I was at. I have to say, it seemed like forever and I have never been so scared as I was that moment. My heart was pounding so hard, I felt each beat as it pounded in my chest. I was frozen and knew I was now experiencing what I always suspected to exist in that house. I didn't know what to expect. The sound of the dragging feet seemed to work it's way to the front bathroom. It wasn't hard to determine which rooms the sounds were coming from, because the house is small and the rooms all very close together. After it went into the bathroom, it never came back out. As I laid there to come up with a logical explanation of what I'd just heard, but I couldn't. I thought about my aunt and grandmother also in the house, but my grandmother's room was on the other side of the house, not in the direction the walking came from and it wasn't my aunt Juanita, she was sound asleep. I waited, and even built up the courage to go the edge of the living room/kitchen entry. But just as I thought, no one was there. I kept calling out to my mother, but she was in such a sound sleep she couldn't hear my low calls. I was so scared, I stayed up all night until I saw the sun rise, then I finally dosed off. The next morning, after everyone was awake and sitting out on the front porch....I decided to confirm what I experienced. I asked my mother, because she was always the first one up, whether the kitchen light was on or off when she got up....and she replied "off". My aunt Juanita also must of heard the same thing, because she asked me who was walking around in the hallway that night. I have to say, that I have never and hope to never feel the fear that I did that night, it was enough to last me a lifetime.
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These encounters were
experienced in Mama's home