My father died in December of 1997. He had always told us that no matter what, that when he died that he wanted to be cremated or else he would haunt us. Well, we had his services and sent the body to be cremated out of town because no one provided this service in our town. During that time my mother had an experience. Late one night when she was asleep she said that she felt something get on the bed with her. She was about to yell out to me but as the words started to form she said this "thing " grabbed her and covered her mouth so she couldn't say anything. Try as she might she could not say anything. Next she said she felt this "thing" place a foot on her side and held her there for at least 5 minutes. Being of strong faith, she began to pray. After a few moments it stopped. She proceeded to call out to me and I came to her room. When I got there I asked if she was alright and she said yes. I was used to her calling me into her room like that, so I didn't think nothing of it. The next day after I came home from school my mother finally told me what had happened to her and she felt that it had been my father that had paid her a visit. At this time we didn't' know if they had cremated his remains or not, so being a strong believer in the paranormal I went into my mother's room and in a strong, firm voice I said, " Daddy you do not belong here. You're dead. You need to cross over to the other side. We love you and we miss you very much but you can not stay here. You also need to leave Mom alone. If you are mad that we haven't done as you wished, we are sorry but you need to give us time." Nothing strange or unusual happened after that until a few weeks later. Again my mother and I were going to bed when I heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway. The moment that I heard the step I knew who's they belonged to. It was the same sound that my father's boot used to make on the wooden floor in the hallway. In an instant I got up and went to my mother's room. I asked if she was alright and if she had heard what I had just heard. She said yes. Daddy is still in the house but he no longer does things to harm my mother, me or my sister. Sometimes I will catch a glimpse of him. When my husband and I were just married I saw him or at least part of him. My mother, my husband and I were getting ready for church one day. My husband is the cowboy type and likes to wear his Wranglers where ever he goes. Well on this particular day I was sitting at the dining room table; putting on my make up.  I looked up in the direction of my mother's bed room and saw a pair of legs making their way to my mother's bedroom wearing a pair of Wranglers. At first I thought it was my husband so I called out to him. It just so happened my husband was sitting in the living room watching t.v. The only other man in my life that wore Wranglers like my husband, was my father. Whether it is a family member or a family pet, I believe they are always watching over us. And though there are people out there that don't believe, I for one.... I believe.

When I was a freshman in high school I lost a beloved cat of mine. A few weeks after he died, I decided to get a snack from the kitchen. It was getting dark and the lights were out in the kitchen. As I walked in I could make out a dark figure on top of the washing machine. It was in the shape of a long haired cat. When I turned on the light, the figure disappeared. I wasn't scared by this at all because I knew who it was. My cat Pelis was a long haired cat and his usual sitting place was on the washing machine. Every once in a while when I am at my mother's house I will catch a glimpse of Pelis, either out of the corner of my eye or I will see his tail wrap around the corner as he makes his way from room to room. Up until a few weeks ago I was the only one that would see Pelis. A family friend of ours was over to visit my mom. Like all 8 year olds, she likes to color and she was in the living room coloring away. My mother then said that Kelsey (our friend) came into the kitchen and asked my mother where the cat was. Thinking that Kelsey was talking about my present cat, my mother said " Oh, Whitie probably sneaked in". That is when Kelsey said, "Oh no Connie, it wasn't that cat. The cat I saw was a gray cat with lots of fur".  Kelsey had gone on to describe my cat Pelis. It surprised my mom at first because Kelsey was only a baby when Pelis died. My mother then smiled at Kelsey and told her that it was "Becky's ghost kitty" and to not be afraid of it if she saw it again.

When I was 23, my ex-girlfriend decided to sleep over. While we were in bed I had my arms around the top part of her body, but my arms resting under her arms. Then all of a sudden she said she felt as though someone was tapping her shoulder. Keep in mind my arms were under her arms. Before this happened with her, my roommate and I had something weird happen. We were both in need for some quick cash and at the time, had no way of getting it. Then one day I was making my bed when I found $10 in the sheets all rolled up. Not knowing where or who it came from I asked everybody I knew if it was their $10. But everyone said no and that they wouldn't roll their money like that. Then not to long afterwards, my roommate and I were arguing about ghosts, how I didn't believe in them and he believed that it was his father that had been the one to mysteriously place the money in my room. Finally, we went to bed and I had been asleep for a while when something woke me up. What I heard was someone walking into my room and I felt that someone was in there watching me, from right over my bed. Then it moved to the door way. Not being able to see anything and thinking that it was my roommate I said " I know it is you Fred. Quit trying to scare me".  But what ever it was never answered me so I just covered my whole face and tried to go back to sleep. The next morning I asked Fred if he had been in my room. He swore up and down that it wasn't him. To this day I still don't know what it was.

My grandmother and my aunt (her daughter) were on their way back from seeing the doctor out of town, when they were in an accident. My aunt passed out and drove the car off an over pass. The death report says that my aunt died from the impact, but my grandmother believes she was dead before the car ever went off the over pass. Well, to continue with the story.....My grandmother was still grieving two months after being in the hospital when she was asking God, "Why did you have to take my daughter? Why couldn't you take me?  I have lived my life, but my daughter had only lived half her life." Then one night she was lying in bed asleep only to wake up and see my aunt's spirit before her. My aunt came to tell my grandmother that everything is ok and everything had its reasons, and that she needs to stop grieving for her. Then she just disappeared. Some people thought it might of been a dream, others believe it was really my aunt returning to help my grandmother with her grief and to let her go, so that she too could find eternal peace.

Shortly after my second divorce ,a good friend, her son, my two sons and my two daughters, along with myself teamed up as roommates to save on money and rented a house in Texas. A big two-story, 4 bedroom, right on the lake. The lady we rented it from told us it was haunted by her husband; Harry, who had died from cancer in the house. We all had no problem with that since my  mother; Carrie, who was also dead, was with me all the time.  Then along with my dad, my ex-father-in-law, my grandmother who had raised me and somebody I do not know. Verle had had several encounters with ghost also, so that did not bother us at all that the house was haunted. We even joked "The more the merrier"!  The house had stood empty for almost a year due to rumors of it being haunted, so we had our work cut out for us, cleaning it. Everything was still just like it was when Harry died. His wife said he told her he would haunt this place as long as it stood since he built it and she was leaving him alone to die a lonely, painful death. The first two days of cleaning went uneventful. We moved Harry's hospital bed out on day 3 and he did not like where we put it, I guess. We were all tired and went to town for a bite to eat. When we returned, the bed we had sat outside was gone. We thought nothing about it until we walked in the house. There was the bed right back in the same place it had been to start with! We all thought somebody was just pulling something on us. I said out loud "Look Harry, we like it here and we would really like it if you would let us stay without any trouble".  I will introduce you to a very pretty woman who you will get along with if you will just let us stay."  We all almost ran out of the house right then when we heard a noise upstairs. Of course all of us had to go see what the noise was. You guessed it, we found nothing!  When we returned to the downstairs bedroom, the bed was gone!  It was back outside where we had put it to start with. There had also been an old wicker rocker in the room that we also sat outside. When we all went out side and found the bed, the chair was rocking. Robert; my oldest son, said "Okay, Harry you stop that rocking right now"!  The chair stopped at once. Robert quickly said "I was only playing Harry, you just rock all you want."  The chair at once started rocking again. This was our first meeting with Harry.....but far from the last!

When I was in fourth grade, my family and I moved into this really old victorian looking house. Our first day there, my mother was unpacking all of the bath items and found a glass jar of what looked like ashes. Thinking it might have just been a really full ashtray, we dumped them in our backyard. A few weeks later, my mother started hearing footsteps up and down the hall. She would then call out "Please don't scare me" and the footsteps would stop. Then one day, she was babysitting a little boy no more than 6 or 7 months old when she laid him down for a nap, covered him up and went to the bathroom. While she was in there, she heard the baby cooing and laughing. Not knowing why, she went to check on him and he was no longer laying down but sitting up playing and his blanket was folded neatly beside him. My mother and the baby were the only ones in the house that day or so she thought. Several times, at night, I would be laying in my bed and I always laid on my stomach and I would feel a patting on my back. Then, around Christmas time, my whole family was in the kitchen playing monopoly. We had stockings that when you pressed their hand, they would play Christmas music. All of a sudden, they simultaneously started playing. This startled us because no one was in the living room. Being the curious little child I was, I got up and walked in the living room. When I got there, they were swaying back and forth, playing music, but stopped suddenly a few seconds after my entrance. My stepfather arrived in the living room with me and as he did, I called out "play again," and they did. Things like this went on all the time, but never scared me or any of my family members because we always got a sense of peace.

Last year, the day before Valentine's Day, two of my best friends Katie and Jenna (names have been changed) decided to decorate Katie's mom's office as a Valentine's Day surprise. Katie's mom was the principal at the elementary school in our town so they got key from the janitor and went there after a basketball game. It was around 9 p.m. when they got there. They unlocked the door and walked in. We've heard many stories of ghosts being in our school so they were a little scared to say the least to be in the place alone at night. As a matter of fact, my mom used to work for a woman who's daughter was hit in the back of the head by a swing and killed on the playground. Katie and Jenna were just about to walk in the office when they heard what sounded like children playing. They described it to be like when your watching a movie and you have two people talking but you can hear children laughing and playing in the background. Both girls just stood there, silent. Katie proceeded to tell Jenna they needed to get in the office and lock the door but as she talked, the noise got louder. When they would get quiet, it seemed to subside some. After a few minutes, they finally got the office open and ran in, turned on all of the lights and locked the door. They decorated the office and went to leave, scared that they would hear the sounds again but they didn't. When they told me this story, I got this really weird feeling because I too, have had experiences in the school. One night, after a basketball game I'd played, I had to go back up to the gym because I had left my school books up there. I made my friend go with me because it was dark. We got up there and right as I went to pick up my school books, she started screaming and running out the door. I looked up and seen what seemed to be a shadow flying around one of the basketball goals. I know it sounds weird. Also one day, I left one of my classes to go to the restroom. There was door in the bathroom that went up to the school attic. It was always locked because of asbestos that was up there but as I was in there alone, I heard that door open slighly and then shut. Thinking it might have been a janitor, I went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked up tight. I thought this weird because the door that goes out to the hall was very big and loud when opened and shut but I never heard anyone come in or out of the bathroom!

The house we used to live in prior to this home was definitely haunted.  Sometimes at night we would hear people talking in the living room.  At night you could also hear as if someone were crying.  Also, we used to have a pool table in the garage and often you would hear what sounded like someone in there playing pool. On another occasion, I remember combing my hair in the mirror and seeing an old man pass behind me. I also saw this man in my mother's bathroom once. He was dressed in old fashioned clothes. I froze as this man just stood there, staring at me...then he just vanished.  Other things began happening as well. A shadow would often follow me and my brother around the house.  My brother was even physically harmed by what ever was in that house. He woke up one morning to find his back scratched....he still has the scars from that attack.  My brother had a water bed and once, it felt as if someone had pushed the water bed real hard to wake him up. He was so scared.  This happened to me as well. I was sleeping on the water bed and looking up at the ceiling....when suddenly I felt something wet.  I realized someone or something was throwing my aunt's make-up at my brother and I.  I saw this bottle up in the air, but couldn't keep an eye on it. I ended up sleeping with the covers over my head. The next morning we woke up to find make-up everywhere. Sometimes my t.v. would turn off and on during the night. We have since moved from this house and every so often, I will pass by the house...to this day, no one lives in the house.

I lived in a subdivision in Katy, called Fountain View. I moved there when I was bout twelve years old.  The first year there, something really strange happened.  My sister Lilly said that she heard someone banging on her bedroom walls in the middle of the night. My mother reported items hung would start to sway, like chandeliers and some other little things. She said that there was no explanation for it, like a draft or anything else to cause these items to suddenly start to sway.  She said they would just start to swing for a little while then suddenly stop.  A year later my friend Gram and I were hanging around outside, walking through the subdivision and stuff and about two in the morning, I suggested we go sit on the benches at the park across the street from my house. Gram was reluctant and said that he had a bad feeling and didn't want to.  I said ok and then a little while later, asked again.  This time he agreed and we started heading that way.  I was walking and talking to Gram when suddenly about half way there, he looked forward and took off in the opposite direction.  While he was running off, I turned to watch, yelling "Gram, what are you doing"??? No sooner did I turn back around, I saw a short ghost, wearing purple right beside the bench where we were going to sit at.  I ran across the street to where Gram was.  We stood there trying to calm down, while trying to look back at the park, but the ghost was gone by then.  By now, didn't want to be outside any longer, so we headed to my house.  We went through the gate, closed it and entered to backyard to go to the back door. Just as we reached the back door, the gate began to shake furiously. We took off into the house, like speeding bullets. About a week to a month later, I was getting ready to go to school.  It was early, still dark outside and just as I was getting to the fridge to get something for breakfast, I saw something.  I was looking at the fridge and out of the corner of my eye, I saw an arm pass by.  I closed the fridge, thinking it must of been Lilly going by...so I called out to her "Lilly, was that you"?  No answer.  As I exited the kitchen and into the hall, I looked around an no one was there. That was the last thing I experienced in that house.

My family used to own a ranch in the Texas Hill Country. The Bandera/Tarpley area to be exact. The ranch house was built in the early 1900's and had been kept in very good condition, undergoing a few remodels with each owner in order to update it. When my parents bought it in the early '90's, the house had only had 4 owners before them. We loved going to the ranch on the weekends and swimming in the lake, riding horses, etc. The house was relatively quiet for the first few months. Our first Christmas there, we realized we had another "roommate" staying with us. The Christmas tree kept falling over, and the presents were always being re-arranged. Finally, we anchored the tree to the wall with fishing line and put the presents away until it was time to open them. That seemed to work, since all was relatively quiet for a month or so after Christmas. Then, one day I was watching t.v. downstairs and heard what sounded like furniture being moved around upstairs. I went to check and nothing had been moved. My first thought was that someone was playing a trick on me, of course. Then I realized it was only my dad and I at home and he had been watching t.v. with me. Hearing furniture being moved around and having items like keys and shoes disappear from one room only to be found in another became a common occurrence. The ghost seemed friendly, so we just said "hello" every once in a while, and that was that.  One night however, I will never forget. I was laying in bed watching t.v.,  trying to go to sleep. All of a sudden, I was paralyzed and felt my arms being "tacked" up against the headboard and someone or something trying to lay on top of me as if to attack me. Being Catholic, I started praying and asking for help from St. Michael the Archangel and my grandfather who had always protected me. All of a sudden, I saw what seemed like a flash of light come from the wall. In what seemed like a millisecond, all was fine and I could tell I would be alright. The next day I told my parents what happened. I never spent the night there again and they sold the ranch shortly afterwards.

I have had many things happen to me. But, I'm not the only one to experience these things. We moved into our house last December. Almost immediately, weird things started to happen. My sister is a very paranoid girl; and sometimes, I find it hard to believe the things she tells me. One time she ran to me and told me something was scratching on her window. She said it was making an up and down noise.  She insisted it couldn't be a bug or animal because the windows are to high.  I didn't believe her. I just shut my door and locked it. I freaked out when I began hearing the same type of noise.  I ran to her and told her that I'd just heard the same thing she'd been hearing. Our parents were asleep. We didn't want to wake them. We turned off all the lights so we could see who or what was making this odd noise. When it started scratching on my window again, I pulled the blinds up very very fast, but nothing was there. Another thing that happened to us, happened while my sister and I were talking in her bedroom. All of a sudden we heard something strange and it was as if we both stopped talking at the exact same time.  We heard what sounded like heavy breathing. Our three beagles are scared of her room. They stand in the doorway barking and crying. It's really creepy. One time my dog Bella jumped on my bed and started barking at the wall. She then followed the wall until she stopped at the window. It were as if something were crawling on the wall. But what ever she saw, I couldn't see.

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