Everyone knows the legend about the haunted train tracks in San Antonio. If not the story goes that a school bus of children was hit on the train tracks and to this day, if you park your vehicle about 20 feet from the tracks and put your car in neutral, an unseen force will inexplicably push your vehicle a good distance.  Some report that if you sprinkle powder or such on your trunk or bumper, you will actually find hand prints. It's believed that the children who were killed in this accident are the one's responsible for pushing the vehicles.  The streets have also been named after these children.  Anyway, Some friends and I decided to give it a go.  When we got there, we wiped the bumper completely clean. Then added powder, making sure we didn't touch the bumper with our hands, of course. Then we drove the car up on the hill, right where the train tracks began. The car started to roll down. Woo-Hoo! Yeah right, I didn't believe it.  I always thought it was the force or gravity or something. Then down the hill we drove to the side and checked the bumper. Nothing. Go figure. Then back up the hill we headed to give it another try. But this time, instead of parking right where the train tracks began, we parked further back, almost where the streets are.  Well when we turned the car off, all of us got out and popped open the back of our SUV and all sat down. We didn't think nothing would happen because gravity couldn't possibly pull us....we were too far behind. I freaked when the car started rolling very slow at once then began to pick up speed. You can't help but laugh; it's such a strange moment, you don't know what to believe! All of us saw three shadows behind the car, that definitely weren't ours. There were three of us...tall, tall and short. The shadow didn't match our heights....they were short, tall, short. It didn't make sense! Since that night, my mind has changed about those tracks. But I don't know what to say it is gravity or ghosts that are worried another will die on those train tracks.

I definitely believe in ghost.  Back in 1991 my uncle died.  It wasn't a pleasant death...he'd been accused of abusing a child and spent some time in jail.  Instead of going back, he shot and killed himself.  Anyway, in 1996 my grandfather also died...which his death was sudden as well.  He had a tracheotomy and wasn't able to breath on his own for a while.  When the doctors at the hospital felt he was strong enough to breath on his own, they took him off the respirator....but turns out he wasn't well enough to breath on his own and he died twenty minutes later.  So, these are the two men that I feel may possibly haunt our home....not because they ever died in the house, but because they did lived most of their lives in the house.  Nothing really started happening until after my grandfather died.  I remember it was the week to the day of his death, May 1996.  I was cold and went to get a blanket out of the hall closet.  Not realizing it, but I happened to grab the blanket my grandfather used to sleep with for years.  I grabbed it and made mention of it to my grandmother, who had been sitting in the living room.  As I turned around, I saw a figure walk across the back of the kitchen, from the left side of the bar to the right.  I remember it so clearly.  The figure came barely above the top of the bar and was hunched over, wearing what appeared to be a white t-shirt.  Needless to say, that described my grandfather to the tee.  He had osteoporosis and had become stooped over the coarse of many years...shrinking him down from nearly six feet tall to barely five feet, six inches or so.  I didn't need to take a double take either, I looked and followed it for a good five or six seconds before my mother asked what was wrong.  Apparently, the color had drained from my face.  When he was in better health, my grandfather used to sit in the bar stool to the left of the the area I'd seen this hunched over figure at.  It may have just been a memory triggered by the fact that I grabbed his blanket or some other explainable reason...but I hardly doubt it.  Little things continued to happen after that.  Lights would turn off when I left the room and turn on when I came back in.  I remember hearing the sound of some drumsticks I used to have in my room hit on my old dresser.  I've seen coke cans turn on their side and skitter across the floor of my room.  I've heard my name being called and my face being touched.  There are so many typical paranormal encounters that I've experienced. I remember there was a night in which my grandmother was having a horrible coughing fit....just a very violent coughing spell.  I got up worried that I was going to need to take her to the hospital because she'd been coughing for almost three hours straight.  I threw on some descent clothes and turned off my tv, computer and everything else and went to open my door to leave.  As soon as I did, I could see a tall figure walk over to her bed and stand next to the length of the bed.  At that very moment, her coughing stopped. I waited two hours before falling asleep and in that time, I didn't hear her cough again.  Then on another occasion, I was on the phone talking to some girl on the phone at one in the morning.  My grandmother used to be quite the nazi about me keeping my bed too close to the wall. She expected me to keep it at least six inches from the wall, so it would be easy to make the bed.  Anyway, I was talking on the phone to this girl and suddenly with me on the bed, my bed moved and butted up against the wall.  What was surprising about this is that it is a queen size bed and with me being 200 lbs, it was tough enough without anything on the bed to move, but with me on it, it was nearly impossible. Another incident that occurred, happened while I was working at Chase.  It was around the time I was training and we would often get off early.  This one particular day, I got off around eleven in the morning.  My aunt was in town for a doctor's appointment and they were going to be gone that day.  I was in the impression that she was going to drive her car up.  So, when I got home, I didn't see any car in the driveway.  The garage door was pulled down, so I assumed they were gone. As I drove to the front of the house and pulled into the driveway, I thought I saw someone standing in the window, behind the drawn sheers.  This person was around my aunt's least at a glance.  I found it odd that they were home and just figured the doctor's appointment must of gotten cancelled or something.  I pulled up to the garage door to find my grandmother's car gone.  So I figured, we'll...their gone. I proceeded into the house and found it quiet and empty.  The moment I stepped foot into the living room, every single hair on my arms and neck stood on end.  It felt as if there were someone in the room with me.  It's like when you know someone is in a room with you and you feel that the space you're in is just smaller because that person is there.  Anyway,  I suddenly felt the coldest sensation move over my entire body.  It eventually passed but that was the creepiest feeling I've ever felt.  Then there was the time that I was in the living room, watching t.v. with my grandmother.  She was telling me how her t.v. would keep switching channels on her.  She would be watching channel eight and for no explainable reason, would just switch to channel five on it's own.  But when she'd press the previous channel button on the remote, it would switch from channel eight to another different channel.  I witnessed this happening myself on a few occasions as well.  One time after I saw this happen, I heard a thug sound.  It sounded like someone had taken their fist and just hit the side of the microwave oven.  I said out loud "Did you hear that?"  and my grandmother replied "It was just the house settling".  Now as far as I know, there is no metallic sound to a house settling, to my knowledge.  I'm not the only one who has experienced things in this house.  My grandmother said she's encountered one strange occurrence.  She said she woke up one night and hear Jeff's voice saying "Momma" over and over again.  She said she could have been dreaming, but the look on her face led me to believe it wasn't just a dream.  There have been so many peculiar things happening lately, for example....over the last few days when she has woken up in the morning to turn her coffee maker on, it is already on.  Now she says the timer as been set....but if the timer had been set...why would it only come on randomly and not every day the timer is set for??  The other night, I went in the kitchen to get some chips and a drink.  When I walked into the living room, I saw a flash of light streak across the far wall.  It's like the sun off of your watch reflect onto the wall or something....and it definitely wasn't the headlights to car, because I would of heard as the car drove by.  I proceeded to get my food and drink and walk back into the living room, only to see the same thing again on the opposite wall from where I was standing.  The most current occurrence was when I unplugged a lamp and was going to give it back to a friend.  I'd unplugged the lamp from the power strip.  I went to pick it up to wrap the power cord around the base and realized the lamp was on! But it wasn't even plugged in!  I stared at it for a few seconds and then it just went off again.

I was renting an extra bedroom from my friend Walker at the time.  He and his mom had their own house.  I picked up a cork board to start keeping sentimental items related to my grandfather.  I hung it up to the left of my bed, about shoulder level to me on the wall.  There was a ceiling fan in the room as well.  It had four lights on it.  The string to turn the lights on was off a long metal beaded string, very much like dog tags hang from.  It took a fair amount of force to click it on and off.  One click of the string and it would turn on one set of lights, a second click would turn on another set of lights, third click would turn on all the lights and the forth click would turn all the lights off.  I also had a red bulb that I put in one of the sockets for a cool mood affect.  Well, eventually, I'd start coming in from work to find the red light had been clicked twice.  I asked Walker and his mom if they had done it...but both insisted they hadn't.  After a couple of week of this, Walker's mom came to talk to me.  We both dismissed the cat having anything to do with it because he would have to not only jump up and latch his claw firmly in the metal chain, but because the red light would only come on with a second click, he would of had to click it several times to get that particular light to come on.  Walker's mom began telling me about something that happened twenty years prior to my moving in.  She had lived in that room and one night a spirit came to her and they began to communicate.  At first she said she was afraid and eventually she got comfortable enough to start having conversations with this spirit.  After a period of time, she grew uncomfortable and even began to feel threatened by it.  It would apparently get angry with her for not wanting to talk. I forget what she said happened, but evidentially, the spirit stopped appearing, up until I moved in.  Now, some might dismiss this as nothing....I did myself, but over the coarse of a few nights, I began to think otherwise.  Over the coarse of the next few nights, I started waking up in the middle of the night and seeing someone sitting in a chair across the room from me.  I could never see it clearly, because it was dark, but enough so to tell that someone was definitely sitting in the chair I played my guitar at. It would just sit there, watching me.  One night I stated out loud that whatever it was was, making me uncomfortable.  It stopped a couple of nights later....but he day after it stopped, I came home to find the entire left side of my cork board that I had the things of my grandfather scratched up.  Again, I asked Walker and his mom about it...and they both said they wouldn't do such a thing. Later that night I woke up again and saw the figure had returned and was sitting across the room.  I began to sleep with the red light on, but even when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the figure sitting in the chair, I still....even with the red light on, couldn't make out the features....and to top it off, I'd wake up and the red light would then be off, as if someone had turned it off while I were sleeping. This went on for quite a while and for what ever reasons, I just chose not to mention to Walker and his mother.  Over a coarse of time, it began to scare me so much that I could only imagine what it was in this room, so I began to pray out loud.  This seemed to stop it and I didn't stay in with Walker and his mother much longer after that.

(Christopher Gerbig)
My wife and I had rented an apartment in a not so nice area of Dallas.  From the time we moved in, we never really felt comfortable there.  My oldest daughter began complaining that a man was waking her and her sisters up at night and would not let them go back to sleep unless they talked with him. Their bedroom did have a door that led to the rear stairs of the apartment, and so I became concerned that someone was sneaking in at night.  I made certain the door was locked and added a second lock that could only be opened from the inside. The complaints continued from my children about the man waking them.  In my wife and I's bedroom, we had a ceiling fan that the motor had burned out in rendering the fan useless yet still serviceable as a light fixture. While lying in bed one night reading by a small table lamp, the fan began to turn of it's own accord.  Not fast, just as though a person was gently pushing the blades with a fingertip.  I nudged my wife awake and told her to look at it. She just frowned and said it was the air conditioner turning it, and immediately after saying that, then the air conditioner turned on. The fan never moved of it's own volition during the day, not even with the air conditioner on, but many times I would awaken in the very early morning hours and see it turning, just ever so slowly, and even though at times I would stop it, it would start again, not gradual as though by a draft, yet suddenly, as though a hand was pushing the blades. It wasn't until after we had moved from the apartment that we were told by the manager that the previous occupant had been a young Mexican man who had been killed in a fight over his leather jacket while returning from the corner store just a few months before we moved in. To this day, that apartment has not had a tenant over the required 6 month lease period, and it is a fact that few have ever completed the 6 months.

My grandfather died 5 years ago. Like in many families; after the funeral, stories about the deceased are shared. After my grandfather's funeral, my family and I started sharing some stories. I made a comment that made my family stop and literally not say a word for what seemed like forever.  When mentioning my grandfather's old house, I said, "I loved that house, even though I saw death there".  I said it very casually and turned away because I thought it sounded dumb. It wasn't long when a cousin said he saw it too. Later, an uncle said he had several weird experiences, then an aunt, then another on and so forth. It turns out we all had experienced some kind of phenomenon but never mentioned it to each other in fear of not being believed. But, now it was time to accept that my grandparents' old house was haunted and we had "all" experienced something there. The house was built in a private, secluded area surrounded by five other houses. The children (At the time, I was about 13 or 14) were able to go outside till late, as long as we didn't leave outside the area and wander into the street. Well, it was getting late and my cousins and I were playing outside, but decided to go watch a movie instead. We all ran inside, but had run back outside to get something. I remember it like it was yesterday.  The sun wasn't completely gone, so there was a bit of sunlight left. I looked up and about 50 feet in front of me was a man. He was dressed in normal clothing, so I ignored it and stopped to tie my shoelace.  When I finished and turned up, he was now wearing a black cloak. I couldn't see his face because the cloak was covering it and it was getting darker outside. I kept staring...wanting to run, but couldn't. I saw the cloak move, but when I  looked down there were no feet. He had what seemed like a stick with a blade, but I couldn't see his hands. Finally, he started to look up and reveal his face to me. As he looked straight at me, I realized the cloak was empty...there was no face! I can't explain it, but even though there was no face, I felt it looking at me. That is when I realized it was  time for me to run as fast as I could. As my family shared more weird experiences, we all felt relief about finally sharing out encounters with one another.  None where as scary as my aunt Rebecca's story. She was the last one to live in that house. She remembers a hot, summer night as she was getting ready to go to sleep. She had put down my little cousins  to sleep on the other side of the house. (Note: my cousins had already mentioned they had many weird things happen to them). She said she got undressed and began feeling as if someone were looking at her. She put it off as being nervous for being alone, since she had just gone through a divorce.  She felt very cold; even though it was the middle of the summer (we reach temperatures of the mid 90s to 105 or so). She remembers laying down and being restless. After moving around in search for a comfortable position, she found it by laying on her stomach with one hand hanging off the bed.  She felt something climb into bed. As she was to turn around to see who or what it was, she felt someone lay on top of her. She remembers the weight being much more than hers because she couldn't lift herself up. She felt as if she were back to back with someone. After minutes of praying and wondering what to do, she lifted her dangling hand and touched who ever was on top of her.  She thought she would touch the back of her head, instead it was a face. She remembers feeling the nose, lips and eyes. The skin felt as if it were that of an older wrinkly person. She had had enough and finally asked it who it was and what was it doing there. It simply replied, "Julia....I am laying down because I am tired." My aunt told her to please leave and never to come back. Just as she said that, my aunt felt the presence lift off her. My aunt turned around as quickly as possible to look at it, but by then it was gone.  Soon after, she moved out and never returned to that house.

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