I'm twelve years old and the place I live in, is several ghosts.  My first encounter came while I was in the bathroom.  I got the eerie feeling I was not alone and this was confirmed when I looked at the wall and saw a shadowy shape of a person.  It was the outline of a small person, perhaps a child around the age of 5, 6 or 7 years old. I could see only the outline of the arms, head and ears, but oddly the bottom part of this figure, was not there.  I didn't know what to do, I couldn't even speak, I was so frightened.  I blinked and suddenly it was gone.  This is not the only time that I have seen something.  There was the time that I was in bed, trying to fall asleep when I happened to glance over at my television, that was off at the time.  I could make out a reflection of something behind me on the was a teenage boy.  He appeared to have light skin, dark colored hair, something on his face like freckles, a dark t-shirt with something red on it, like a symbol of some sort and blue jeans. I just laid there, watching his reflection in the t.v. as he walked behind my bed.  I slowly got out of bed, went to the doorway, looked back to see if I could still see him there, but he was gone.  Another night, which was probably the most frightening of them all came when I was laying in bed and suddenly I felt as though something jumped on my chest and pushed it down for a moment.  I could literally feel my stomach rise as this thing pushed the breath out of me.  Within a minute, it happened again.  I was so frightened I didn't know what to do or what to think.  All I could do was hold up a make-shift cross using my fingers and hope that this would drive this thing away.  It seemed to work and I was able to fall asleep.  I don't know what is going on where I live, but I know my bedroom used to be my grandmother's room before she died back in 1998.  I have always felt that I was not alone, that someone is always with me.  Maybe it's my guardian angel I feel, I don't know.....but I fear that what ever I have been seeing and not my grandmother, nor my guardian angel....I is something else.

About five years ago my cousin Alfred and I were upstairs in the toy room.  We were playing vet and all of a sudden we heard a loud bang. It sounded like something falling to the ground, so we looked in the hallway and was startled by a strange looking creature. It was obviously angry about something and it just ran right past me and into the next room. Frightened by what we'd just seen, we headed down the stairs and told my mother what we'd just seen. She was upset to discover the mirror in her room broken and on a piece of the glass, green paint. We have no idea was this was all about. On another occasion,  I woke up to find a spirit with no eyes, nose or mouth peering at me through my bedroom door. It had three tiny little holes on each side of it's face. I began screaming and my mother came in but by then what ever this was, had gone by the time she arrived.

When I was about four years old I had a very bizarre experience with a ghost.  Her name was Amanda. Amanda was about seven years old and wore a white lacy night gown.  She would call my name at night and I would get up and we'd play to all hours of the night with dolls and different toys.  We used to talk about different things and then out of the blue she never returned...I don't know why.

It was around three in the morning. My mother usually arrived home from work around that time and would come into my room, call my name and say her hello's and goodnights.  But one night in particular, I heard someone calling my name over and over. Thinking it was my mother, I woke up with a smile on my face and looked towards my door. What I saw shocked me. It was a ghostly looking woman stirring a pot. I turned my head away, looking towards the wall, but when I turned to look again, another spirit had arrived.  It was a little girl and she had long brown hair with braids flowing down her shoulders.  She wore pink overalls and a stripped pink shirt. The child ghost headed towards me and I could see her hand reach out to me, as if to take my watch off my wrist. Next thing I knew, she took my watch and dropped it into the pot that the woman was still stirring.  All of a sudden my light came on  and my mother was standing there, and these two spirits were gone. I told my mother what had just happened, but even though she didn't know what to make out of it, my dog Misty did, because she apparently could still see or feel these two spirits, because she laid there growling at the area they'd been at.

When I was ten my cousin committed suicide.  My aunt lived in the house this occurred in and she couldn't bear to live in the house afterwards, so we moved into the house to keep it in the family about 2 years following his death.  Being only twelve at the time, it didn't really bother me to live in the house. I didn't know the details of his death until much later, but I had a sense that he probably died in the garage, because I got the most incredible panicky, kind of creepy feeling whenever I had to go down there. I did find out that he had die in the garage and had tried to stop himself before it was too late. My bedroom was on top of the garage and I would occasionally hear noises in the garage at night. It wasn't until one very vivid night, when I was woken up for no reason, and I was laying there for a while trying to get back to sleep, that I got a very intense feeling that someone else was in the room with me. I closed my eyes, and I heard him walk right up to me and though I had my eyes were closed, it was like I could see what was happening in my mind, he stopped in front of me and crouched down until his face was only inches away from mine. I could hear breathing noises and he was looking straight into me. Then he got even closer and his head was just above my ear and all the while I was completely petrified with fear.  I wouldn't open my eyes, all I could do was lay there....waiting for him to do something. After several moments of waiting in angst, he made a noise, it wasn't a word, it was like a groan or something and he did this right into my ear!  All of a sudden I leapt out of that bed and the scream that accompanied it was horrifying! I had a strong feeling that it was my cousin and that he intended no harm, but that he "was" trying to scare me. Years later, my other cousin who did know him well told me stories about how he liked to try and scare people for the fun of it. Sometime after this occurrence, something else really strange happened.  It was around 3 am, again I awoke for no good reason, and was laying there thinking or whatever. I began to hear a faint music playing and it is very hard to describe how this music intensified in my head. I recognized it as the music from my little sega game gear, which I kept in the spare room at the other end of the hall. I got up and stood in the middle of my room to see if I was actually hearing what I did and then it got louder. So I stood at my door, and again, I could hear it very distinctly. I thought maybe I had left it on or something.....which I never did, but at the time I thought, well, maybe......So I went down the hall cautiously, and saw the eerie light of the game gear which was on and laying on the coffee table. It was playing by itself! For a moment I thought it was the little intro cartoon they sometimes have with video games, but it wasn't that! I picked it up, and watched in my hands as the little sonic the hedgehog jumped for coins. I watched in disbelief for about 3 seconds, and then suddenly the sonic stopped and I swear, it turned to face me and started shaking it's finger back and forth in a "no no no!" disapproving kind of way. Then the game gear turned off. Not sure how to react, I just ran back to my room and hid under the covers. The next day, I was playing Nintendo or something, being sure to not play with my game gear, and my mother randomly commented, "you're just like you're cousin was, always playing video games." Needless to say, I broke the game gear habit, and have always been uncomfortable when I see a sonic the hedgehog anything (game, commercial, etc)!!!

Since I was a child, I would experience strange things happening. My parents recalled an incident when I was about 6 or 7 years old. My father used to live in an old farm house and I can remember not liking that house too much. One day my mother was in the kitchen making dinner and my cousin and I were upstairs in the spare room where my stepfather kept his musical equipment from the band he played in.  While up there, my cousin and I were at the window playing with the GI Joes or something to that affect.  Suddenly, something hit one of the symbols on the drum set.  We were so frightened by this, we went flying out of the room as fast as our little legs could take us.  My mother was yelling at us for playing with the drum set and we tried to explain to her that it wasn't us. She went upstairs to check it out but found nothing.  She admits, now, that she believed us then, but just didn't want to frighten us.  That very night my cousin and I were trying to sleep in the living room of that old house and we could hear the sound of someone coming down the stairs and walk into the kitchen.  We were petrified and hid under our blankets.  We heard the cabinets in the kitchen open and close and also the refrigerator door open and shut.  At this point, we began yelling for my mother and she and my stepfather came out to see what was going on.  My stepfather went into the kitchen and again, as when my mother checked the music room, nothing was there.  Another time, in the same house, my mother and I were in the kitchen and her little china plates she had hanging on the wall just started flying full force across the room, smashing on the other wall and all over the room.  Needless to say, we left them there until my stepfather got home so could see what we experienced.  My mother was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower when the toilet flushed by itself. She called for my stepfather and all of a sudden, the floor tiles started popping up off the floor, one cutting her foot. She had to be taken to the hospital and ended up getting several stitches due to this event. We ended up moving out of this house.

We now live in a house with a playful spirit.  It likes to make noise at night, it even sometimes shows himself, but not often. He likes to mainly hide out in my old room up stairs or he likes to go to the basement and bother my stepfather. It also likes to knock on the front door to make the dog bark.  My mother tells everyone about it and the ghost even participates on request, making the dog bark in front of startled on-lookers.  She thinks it's funny. Recently my mother has been hearing papers in my old bedroom being crumpled and the door opens and closes by itself. She also told me that when she got back from running errands one day, all of her flower arrangements on the coffee table and stands around the living room, where all on the floor, yet the vases where still in their original spots.  On another occasion, she believes it let her cat out side. We thought at first, the spirit was somehow connected to me, but my mother admits....little things do occur off and on while I'm off at college, so that theory is out.

My mother and her six brothers and sisters are very sensitive to the paranormal. She told me stories of when they where all little and lived in their grandmother's house. They all used to have experiences with a ghost of a clown. At the time, one of her sisters would roll a ball under her bed and sometimes the ball would roll back out right then and sometimes it would take a few days before it reappeared. She also said the clown ghost would sit in the rocking chair in their room and rock back and forth just staring at them.  Sometimes they would not see him but hear him laughing. Things weren't always bad around there, my great grandmother believes it saved her when her house burned down.  She fell asleep in the upstairs bedroom with a cigarette in her hand. When the fire department arrived, they found her outside on the ground still asleep. To this day she has no idea how she got there. The house was a complete loss.

We own a apt building that's over 100 years old.  We rent to a friend that has a baby and she uses a baby monitor.  Every morning around 3:00 a.m., we hear someone talking to the baby when no one is in the room where the baby's at.  All sorts of things happen with the baby, we haven't seen anything yet, but the baby seems to be giggling and cooing at someone.  We also hear things in the attic quite often, like footsteps and stuff like that.  One night I decided to go ghost hunting, because I was feeling lots of cold spots all around me.  I braved myself to go to the attic and these are the pictures I got.  We've also gotten several pictures that showed orbs all around me. (Click here to view Vicki's photos)

I heard noises coming from the kitchen and I knew no one was in there.  So I got out my Vivicam and as I entered the kitchen, I snapped a picture of this dark figure (appeared to be a man) trying to steal my husband's cup of coffee.  Poor guy, he probably misses coffee! (Click here to view Vicki's photos)

When I was about 12 years old, I lived in a house with my mother in Long Island, NY. I had a sense from day one that the house was filled with at least 6 or 7 different spirits, none harmful but all from very different times and none of them seemed related. At that point in my life, I had always felt spirits around, but had never actually seen one, so to me the following events were very significant. I had decided to sleep on the couch bed one night (keep in mind that the position of the couch allowed a complete view of the dining room if you were to look to your right.) I had settled into the couch bed, when after a few minutes the room started to get increasingly cold (keep in mind, it was summer) and I started to feel as if someone were watching me from the dining room. I turned to face the dining room and sure enough I saw a little boy standing there by the farthest window, no older than 5 or 6....white and "cloudy" looking but also transparent. I could make out all his features, "bowl cut" hair that ended just above his eyes, clothing of an early 1800's style and he had his hands clasped together in front of him. He had no actual expression, but just by looking at him I was overcome by a feeling of extreme sadness....I felt as if he was looking for a mother and father that he could not find. I turned my back to him for a split second and when I turned back, he had vanished. That was the first and only time I ever actually saw the little boy, even though I continued to constantly feel him around me in the house. Not too long after I saw the boy, I found a stone near the bushes that surrounded my house, the stone had a carving in it of a year...though I cannot remember the exact year I do recall it being sometime in the early 1800's. This lead me to believe that it has some sort of significance to the boy's death, though to this day I am not sure exactly what that might be.

My old high school had four floors to it, but when the school was first built...a fire somehow began and engulfed the entire 4th floor and the students on it. When I started going to school there, I was told that the 4th floor was haunted by a couple of my classmates and after some research I found out about the fire. The 4th floor was very large, but only the first half of it was used...the other classrooms were used as storage areas. The first half of the 4th floor, was used as a music department and in my second year there I joined the chorus and began spending much of my time up there. Within only 2 weeks of being up there I started to hear sounds coming from the storage classrooms down the hall. I could hear chairs moving around, and even stranger I could often here people singing and playing instruments. I didn't think too much of it for some reason, until one day when I became a little more curious. I had left my chorus class to use the ladies room, when I reached the long hall that lead to the storage area I could hear people singing and playing what sounded like flutes. I knew it wasn't my class because of the direction of the sound, I started to creep down the hallway very slowly as the music continued, and as I reached the end of the hall and was maybe 10 feet away from the door to the storage room...the music abruptly stopped as if I had disturbed them. I ran to the door, flung it open and as I stood there looking into the empty storage room I felt a HUGE swish of air go past me (keep in mind...4th floor had no windows).  I have had that feeling before and I knew exactly what it was, that a spirit or even multiple spirit's had just gone past me. I was very freaked out after that and never went near the storage area again....its not that the spirits seemed angry, but I got the distinct impression that they didn't want to be bothered...they had been through enough.

Currently, I live in Queens, NY and to give you an example of the kind of things I experience on a daily basis I'll tell you this. I have only lived in my new house for about 4 months.  In my bedroom I have a canopy over my bed (which is attached to the ceiling, and encloses the entire bed), on many occasions in the middle of the night (usually around 1 to 3am.....that's when paranormal things seem to be at their height) I will wake up to find my canopy opened-very carefully opened...not something I could have kicked open in my sleep. (Keep in mind there is a lock on my bedroom door-so it can't be any of my family members coming in) and as well as the canopy being opened, I have seen a white figure, an outline of a person, definitely adult but I'm not sure if male or female. Standing in the opening inches away from me, the minute I make any movement at all the figure simply fades away. At first I thought I was dreaming it, but I have been through enough to know its not a dream and I am definitely fully awake when it happens.

My first haunting started when I was about six years old. I was raised in New York from 1953 to 1962. I played with a particular clown doll that was most unusual in its appearance.  Its face was fully painted like a clown and its hat was long and pointed with a small ball on top that stood straight up. That doll was quite haunting just looking at it, especially his smile....regardless it was my favorite doll.  For some reason, I loved to play with that doll and nothing else. I didn't even want to play with the neighborhood kids. I was a lonely child and most of the day all I did was rock in my little red rocking chair and daydream. Only recently, my mother told me that she gave me the clown doll and my little red rocking chair. That would explain my fascination for the clown doll and my little red rocking chair, because I longed to be with my mother. My aunt and uncle raised me because my father was killed in a car accident when I was just a year old. My mother couldn't afford raising two children alone, so she sent my brother to live in North Carolina with her sister and bother-in-law and I stayed in New York with my father's sister and her husband. My aunt thought that I was missing out of my childhood by rocking in that chair and playing with the clown doll all day, but I had my reasons. I kept rocking and playing with my doll.  One evening, my uncle was out all night playing cards with his friends. Usually, when my uncle was out for the night, my aunt would ask me to sleep with her.  This one particular evening she woke me from my sleep and asked me to sleep with her and of course, I obliged. I now believe that my aunt had seen ghosts in her bedroom and was afraid to sleep alone. My little red rocking chair was in her bedroom near the window.  On the windowsill were flowers in a flowerpot.  My clown doll was sitting in the little red rocking chair facing this window with the flowers. I was very sleepy when my aunt woke me, so it took no time for me to fall back to sleep in her bed. For some reason, I woke around three o'clock that morning and heard my chair rocking and  rocking by itself!  I turned my head in the direction of the rocking chair and witnessed the most profound thing I have ever encountered.  My clown doll was rocking in the chair and playing with the flowers from the windowsill! The moon reflection gave the most frightening silhouette image. The shadow of my doll rocking in my rocking chair and moving around like a person, playing with the flowers just terrified me beyond explanation!  I couldn't believe my eyes!  I was not dreaming...this was real life and I was scared like never before.  My fears heightened when the doll stopped rocking and just suddenly turned its head in my direction. My heart stopped. This doll was now looking in my direction and proceeded to get out of the rocking chair and walk in my direction! Immediately, I pulled the covers over my head and held close to my aunt with a fear I never thought possible!  That night was the longest night of my life. Just the fear of imaging my clown doll pulling the covers from me, froze me with a sweat dripping madly from my body! Thank God, my clown doll never touched the covers. After what felt like hours later, I finally fell back to sleep...of course, hugging very close to my aunt.  When I woke up in the morning, I found my doll still sitting in my little red rocking chair with the most hideous smile on it's face! I screamed like a baby and pleaded with my aunt to remove the clown doll from my little red rocking chair and throw it away. I never told my aunt this story and I never saw that doll again...until about 40 years later.  To my surprise a co-worker bought it from a website that sold old dolls from the 50's.  I stood and watched as my co-worker unwrapped the doll from it's packaging in the office.  Immediately I recognized it was my old clown doll by the hideous smile of its face!  As soon as I saw that doll, I asked my co-worker to please put it away immediately and explained my childhood fears surrounding the clown doll. This is a true story. Now here's my explanation.  Through my years in the ministry, I've been involved with many demons, ghosts and angels. I've seen things move around with no human interference...even in my apartment.  It's as though someone were there moving the objects themselves. In fact, poltergeist activity is known to throw or move items around, therefore, mischievous spirits, can make things like dolls move at their will. The basic fact to my haunting is that I was watching a demon in action. I'm no longer a minister (at least for now). I realize now, that I'm very susceptible to spirits, ghosts, demons and angels. My journey through the spirit world has been both scary and intriguing and from this, I know there is a God...and equally know...there are demons as well.

These two pictures were taken seconds apart. As you can see in the pictures I was holding the same gift, it was Christmas morning. This was 1995 or 1996. I have shown these pictures to different people and got some crazy, mixed reactions. Some people say that it is two pictures overlapping. The other reaction that I get are people freak out and get goose bumps and say "Oh my god look at that ghost"!  There is an apparition of a woman over my right shoulder and her face comes out very clear. Then the next picture is clear as a bell...the white mark on the second picture is my husbands finger, it's not the end of the film. (Click here to view Darlene's photos)

My family is pretty much known to have their share of supernatural experiences. We don't all enjoy them, we don't all get frightened...we just try to act as if they're "normal." My mother, my older sister and I all seem to have dreams that give us insight into what will happen. When the three of us all dream of something that is symbolic of or related to death, around the same time, then someone we know passes away.  It's not something we enjoy, but well, we deal with it.

When I was 2, my mother and I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment in a brownstone in Brooklyn, NY.  The house itself was not haunted, as far as we know...but then again...
Anyway, there would be plenty of occasions in which I was placed in my crib and after everyone was asleep...."they" would come.  I didn't exactly face what "they" were until I was around 21 yrs old. 

"They" would come to my bed at night and just stand there disguised as my mother, my father, and sometimes my uncle... "They" wouldn't exactly try to harm me, but "they" had to know I was frightened out of my mind. I would realize "they" weren't my family members because they would start talking at a very slow pace and then speed up to something incredibly unintelligible and sometimes even a different language unknown to humanity.  And these things..."they" weren't good...   "They" also had this interesting way of moving...almost in a shifty way...  Years later I stopped seeing them and I found myself talking about something with a friend of mine over the phone.  I'm not sure how we got into it, but the next thing I knew we starting talking about them, and I was trying to act as if "they" were just figments of my imagination, until he confirmed what they were labeling them, "Demons."

It's a rare occasion when they visit my dreams or bother me these days. I'm not sure what they were looking to get through me.

I had been renting what I believed to be a haunted apartment in a rural town in New York, called Gardiner.
It is actually a very old house that was made into six different apartments, probably built in late 1800’s.
I knew right away that there was another presence sharing my home and at times it made me very uncomfortable, so I decided to have a very religious woman (minister) that I know over to bless my home as she had told me she wanted to many times.  She seemed to think my problem was with demons not ghosts, I don’t know about all that, however I do know after she left a series of strange things began to happen. Immediately after she left I decided to take a bath, while in the tub I got this strange, prickly feeling that something was watching me and when I glanced to my right there was a woman standing in my kitchen glaring at me.  An awful feeling came over me as if I could feel this woman’s anger towards me.  I quickly wrapped a towel around me and ran into the living room/bedroom area to find my boxer “bechet” on my bed ripping my bible to shreds, very unusual behavior for her!!!!  Later that evening I was awoken from a horrific dream by what felt to be a breath on my cheek.  It felt like every hair on my body was standing straight in the air and I was so cold I could clearly see my breath.   I looked over at my dog who was growling in the direction I felt the breath come from and backing away with a look of terror.  Needless to say I was out the door so fast I left the ghost spinning!!!!!

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