(Aron B.)
In Charlestown, West Virginia,  there is a field known as "Priest Field".  The story goes...An individual passing through, stayed with a Protestant farmer.  The person was ill and dying.  He begged the farmer to find a Catholic priest to perform his last rights, but the farmer refused.  The poor individual  died soon after.  Anyone entering the house or nearby area began to find that their clothing was being shredded.  People came from all over to witness the phenomena.  Women would remove their bonnets and place them securely into their purses, only to find them shredded.  The area became known as "Clip" due to the clippings. Local farmers asked a priest to perform last rights and bless the land......the clippings stopped thereafter.  In return, the priest was given the land, now known as "Priest Field".  It is now used for picnics and scouting events. This story is true.

About 1 month or so ago, while sitting outside on our deck around 12:00 a.m. or 12:30 a.m., I had a very unusual occurrence happen. Our neighbor's spot light over his garage began flickering in quick succession. During the light flickering, I saw what seemed to be circular light energy flying from the light source towards the deck I was sitting on. Of course, I was very surprised and a little alarmed at what I was seeing. The light energy was flying at a very fast speed. After a while, a group of 4 circles, clear-white in the center, with a yellowish ring flew over to my deck and bobbed around until it appeared to "find its way" and almost face me while continuing to bob. I closed my eyes and expected when I opened them, that the circles would be gone, but they weren't. The configuration was that two of the circles were side by side, the third circle was underneath the left upper circle and the fourth circle was down a bit and diagonal from the third. If this wasn't enough for me for one evening, another cluster of circles, identical to the first cluster, shot over to my deck and bobbed its way to another side of my deck, doing exactly what the first cluster had done which is to bob until it seemed to "find its way", face me and continue to bob.  Honestly, my very FIRST reaction was to think that my eyes were playing tricks on me. After this first reaction, I almost asked these clusters what they wanted from me. It was actually the only thing that came to my mind. I didn't do anything but stare at them, got frightened and quickly went inside my house, locked the door, and raced up to bed. I wanted to wake my husband up, but I kept telling myself that this was nonsense and I was just imagining things. The following day, I did tell my husband what happened. My 13-year-old son happened to be walking by and overheard what I said to my husband. It was from my son where I first heard the word "orbs". Since this experience I continue to go out on the deck, in hopes that they'll show up again....and the next time they do, I will have my camera in hand!

I lived in Southwestern Virginia a few years ago. I had moved there to be with m boyfriend (now ex) and was getting acquainted with the region. The town I lived in was not far from the west Virginia border, and I worked at a store that was open 24 hours in Princeton. What happened one night on my way home was unlike anything I had ever firmly cemented my faith in ghosts!!!!  I was driving home on a cold winter night in January 2000. It had snowed earlier that day, and I was exhausted. As I was heading over some railroad tracks, I inspected the land before this road intersected with the highway that would take me home, a distance of only about 100 feet. As anyone can tell you, on a clear night with fresh snow on the ground, you can see EVERYTHING.  I pulled my car to the stop sign and looked both ways to check for traffic. There was none, so I looked right in preparation for my right turn. There was a boy. A teenager. Standing at my door. He looked to be about 16 or 17 at the most, wearing a high school letter jacket and a ski cap(or toboggan, as some people call them).  He was fairly clean shaven, about 6', with dark hair and an athletic build. I can remember the way he looked to this day. It is firmly etched in my mind. He was staring straight at me, but didn't make any kind of an expression or even acknowledge that I was there. I went ahead and made my turn, thinking perhaps I had overlooked him when checking both ways at the intersection. I turned to check again, and there was no sign of him. He was gone. I guess my adrenaline kicked in, because I made it home in less than 10 minutes, when it normally took 15! To this day, I wonder if perhaps that boy had been a victim of a car accident, or perhaps even a coal train whose engineer may not have seen him on the tracks.

(Kristy F)
When I was about fourteen years old, my parents and I moved into a haunted home.  We began noticing little things at first, like the batteries in the remote control were being tampered with.  We would use the remote control with no problem, then next thing we knew, it wouldn't work at all.  We'd open the back cover, to find the batteries had been switched around backwards.  This actually happened on several occasions.  Then one night my Dad was watching television in the living room, while my Mom and I were in the kitchen doing dishes from supper.  The boom box on the sun porch suddenly began playing very loudly.  We went to inspect and discovered a cassette in the player had been turned on.  It scared the living daylights out of us, because we knew the only way it could come on, was if someone had physically pushed down on the button to play.  My mother shut it off and we all talked about how strange it was.  Not long after that, the batteries in the remote were switched around again. Another odd incident happened to my father.  He had one false tooth and he was in habit to put it in a cup in the bathroom every night.  Somehow, it mysteriously disappeared and after over a week of relentlessly searching for it, we'd given up.  Unbelievably several months later, it somehow turned up under the refrigerator.  We also seemed to have difficulty with the plumbing.  Water in the bathroom sink would come on all by itself.  I also remember feeling strange about our basement. It wasn't used for much, except to store stuff and house the furnace.  It was damp and wet, because there was a leak whenever it rained.  For some unexplainable reason, I feared that basement.  I wouldn't go down there, unless I was asked to retrieve something.  The door to the basement was always kept shut....but I would often find that the door open on it's own, while no one was anywhere near that area.  I, my cousin and a friend of mine had a horrible encounter one night.  We were young kids and doing pretty much what little girls do, acting silly and talking girl talk.  It was late in the morning hours and when I went into the bathroom, the basement door opened on it's own. It took all three of us to go shut that door, we were so scared.  We ran real fast, closed the door and ran back and hid under my covers. While we were whispering about the incident, we began hearing a scraping sound outside the window.  It was winter and we had snow fall all over the ground.  At some point, we finally all fell asleep.  The next morning on my mirror hanging on the back of my bedroom door, we discovered an odd hand print that was oddly long...and we knew it wasn't one of our prints.  Later that day, we were outside goofing off, having snowball fights when my friend yelled for us to come look at what she discovered outside my bedroom window.  In the snow, you could see footprints.  They weren't anything like I'd ever seen before. They were like bare feet, except where the toes would be, it looked as if whatever it was, had claws.  I later moved out of the house on my own.  After my mother passed away, I returned for three weeks with my children. My dad was having a hard time getting around, because he was on a walker, due for surgery soon.  At times he also used a cane to walk with.  After only my first week there, I was in the kitchen, reading at the table, when I heard a door shut.  I got up to look around, but didn't see anything, so I went back to reading.  The water in the bathroom sink then came on.  I went to see what was going on, unnerved at the thought that this was the type of thing I'd encountered as a child; I just looked around, turned it off and went to bed.  The next morning, when I went into the bathroom....behind the door was a little stand my mother used to keep a jewelry box, make up case and a few other things.  I discovered everything off the shelf and scattered all over the floor.  Nothing happened for the next few weeks, up until my last night there.  The kids were watching television, when the remote suddenly quit working....we discovered the batteries were switched backwards....exactly as they had been, when I used to live there.  Dad confided in me that even after I'd moved out years before, things continued to happen.  Little things like finding stuff in the bathroom scattered on the floor and once finding a coffee cup lying on the kitchen floor.  About three days after I returned home, my father called me to ask if I'd seen his cane.  I replied that the last time I'd seen it, it was in his bedroom, behind the door.  I ended up having to go back over there to help him find it....but we never did find it. After buying a new one, about one or two weeks later, he was cleaning out a closet and found the old one.  Things continue to happen in that house.

In opinion, we live in one of the most haunted houses in our town. When we moved in, we knew nothing of it being haunted. This was an old colonial house that was built in the 1800's. It was turned into apartments (can still be rented for the whole house too.) But my husband and I rented the upstairs apartment to be close to my elderly grandmother who had rented the downstairs. My husband was her handy man…changing light bulbs, lighting furnace, etc.  She didn't know it was haunted either. We were moving our stuff into our apartment when we realized we were a room short...meaning there was a room that you could see from the outside, but was sealed off and hidden from the inside. We spent the whole time we lived there trying to figure how to see what was in this hidden room. From our bedroom you could look out the window and see into the sealed off room, but could only see the far wall due to the amount of darkness. The sunlight only lit a small amount of the wall. We never thought anything of it. I just figured that the floor was weak and it was just above my grandmother's kitchen. So I figured that it was sealed off so the floor would not collapse into the kitchen below. We still didn't think anything of it being haunted. But after living there for a few months, I started seeing ghosts. My husband worked until about 3:00 in the morning so I would be sitting up in bed, reading, my children (then 2 and 5) were asleep in their room. And (this I am sure will sound familiar) out of the corner of my eye I would see a large dark shadow walk past my bedroom door. The first several times this happened I would get up and go check to see if my husband got home early and came in really quietly (the door downstairs would usually creak or make a bang.) when I saw that he wasn't home I would check to make sure my kids were in bed. I figured it could be one of them getting up to use the bathroom and it just seemed larger because I didn't see it directly. They were sound asleep. not long after that started, my little boy Jeremiah (2) started waking up screaming...he was never hurt, just scared. I figured...nightmares. I discovered, at the same time I was seeing these shadows, my grandmother downstairs was also seeing what she described as a small black animal…like a black dog or cat, that would run by.  I suggested that it might just be mice, seeing as it were an old house.  She said it was too big to be mice. Now this was about the time that I started wondering if it could be ghosts...I have had experiences with ghosts before and now was recognizing the signs the home was haunted. Well these sightings went on for a while and my family came to visit for Christmas (or maybe thanksgiving) I cant remember which.  My cousin Robert, who was 22 years old at the time, went into the basement to change a light bulb for my grandmother.  He does NOT believe in ghosts...well he didn't until this experience.  He was in the room getting ready to change the bulb when he felt someone behind him; he turned around and saw a person standing there.  He started to talk to it when he looked and saw she had no feet and realized it was a ghost.  He ran up the stairs and outside.  Needless to say, he never stepped foot in the house again.  I only learned of this after encounter after I moved out.  I never knew why he wouldn't come to visit anymore. Just after his experience I started to have experiences of a different sort. I was walking out of my children's room after cleaning it, when I smelled the most delicious aroma of a roast cooking.  I knew I wasn't cooking anything yet so I called my grandmother downstairs to ask her what she was cooking that smelled so good.  she said she wasn't cooking...I asked her if she was sure she wasn't cooking and just forgot (you know how elderly people can be) and she went to check and said nope not cooking anything yet. Well I didn't say anything more and just figured my mind was tricking me and maybe I was just really hungry. This happened several more times and each time was the same...she wasn't cooking. But it smelled so real.  My husband and I were beginning to joke about our ghost and how she was obviously a wonderful cook. Well about now was when I was really wanting to find out about the history of the house.  I asked the landlord what he knew, he never really said anything...he said he didn't have time to talk.  I think he was trying to avoid the conversation. Now this was about a year after we moved in and my grandmother was moving into a retirement community so we were cleaning her house. Now let me tell you something about me, I have always LOVED basements and attics. They were always my favorite place to be. When I was younger I would ask my mother to make my room the basement or the attic. Well the attic in this house made me uncomfortable, but dismissed it as maybe it had bats in there or something. But the basement...that's a different story. My husband wanted me to go down with him to get my grandmother's ladder and something else.  I was to hold the flash light. My husband was never bothered by the ghosts and never thought they were real. I went down to about the 7th step, and sat there for about a minute. As soon as I walked on to the stairs I got an uncontrollable dreadful feeling. I had never felt like that before. The fear, and sorrow, and other feelings that were just so overwhelming. I stood up and said "Jeff I can't sit here." I put the flashlight on the stairs and RAN up the stairs. Jeff (my husband) came back up with the things he was after and asked what was wrong.  I told him that I had the most terrifying feeling while sitting there. He said ok and that was it. Well after that, every time I walked past that door I felt nervous. It was about 2 weeks after that incident that my husband came across a deal for our current home. We moved. Since then I have had people that have lived in that house tell me stories. and One person (who had never met my cousin) had told me that one of the stories that she had heard over the past several years was that the maid that lived in the sealed room, had an affair with the master of the house and his wife found out and chained her in the basement and cut off her feet as a punishment. She later got revenge on the master's wife by setting fire to the smoke house which was attached to the kitchen (my grandmother's kitchen) and burned it and the room that the maid was living in. This is probably why it was sealed off...burned floor equals weak floor. Well later on another person that once lived there told me that she heard that the maid had done something and was hung in the basement, tortured and killed. I am not sure how much of these stories are true. But since we have moved there have been several people that have lived there...the current residents who rent the whole house, know who we are and they saw my husband at his work and asked him if it was haunted...that they were having some experiences...he told them to ask me. Now seeing as how I am currently pregnant, I refuse to go into the basement of the house, but after my baby is born in March I am going to go and take pictures in the basement, attic, and I am going to get a ladder and take pictures of the room.

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