This took place two years ago, when I was 18. At the time, I was living with my mom and step dad. My step dad's house was built in the early 1920's and I have always felt pretty uneasy while in it.  Now I pretty much can feel when there is a spirit in the room with me. Well, this one night, my best friend and I were talking on the phone. We were having a discussion about a friend of ours that had been murdered. Anyway, after talking to my friend, I got ready for bed. Everyone else was asleep. I was lying in bed, trying unsuccessfully to get to sleep. So, instead, I closed my eyes and started thinking about my friend who was murdered. I tried to open myself up to the "spirit world", hoping to get some answers (remember I was only 18 and thought anything would work). Well, I guess I got something's attention.  I started feeling like I was being watched and that I wasn't alone in the room. I slowly opened my eyes and saw three shadowy figures standing around my bed. They were kind of leaning in towards me, as if studying me closely. For a minute, I was completely paralyzed with fear. I finally I was able to  jump out of bed. I wound up spending the rest of the night downstairs.  I'm not sure if the spirits or whatever they were, were waiting for me to open up a bit more in order to communicate with me or what!  If they were, I feel really bad about running away. Ever since then, every time I spend the night there, I feel as if something is watching me.  Now, I currently live in a dorm.  I'm not sure about the history of it, but I'm almost sure, it's haunted.  I constantly feel like I'm being watched while in my room.  I have also seen out of the corners of my eyes, shadowy looking figures, similar to the ones I saw at my step dad's house. There is also whispering, all though I can't make anything out of it. I hope to someday do research on this area, to see if I can come up with some answers to what is going on here.

When I was 11, I was watching TV one night at 3:23 in the morning.  I remember the news from Mexico was on. I stood up and turned on the light because I got scared about this woman seeing a UFO.  I went to lie down in bed again with the lights turned on and suddenly I began to feel sleepy.  I closed my eyes and then started to see things.  I can only say that this thing appeared to be a ghost. I was as though it were inside my body or something.  I rose up my hand and as I did, I realized, I couldn't move.  My eyes were closed and I could open them a little bit.  I raised my hand again and tried screaming, but I couldn’t.  I fell back to sleep again and when I woke up about 10 minutes later, everything was dark.  I could only see the TV on and the lights were now turned off.  I stood up again and walked around.  I opened my door and saw a shadow run past me.  The next thing I remember was waking up outside. I have no recollection of how I got there.

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