I was hanging out with my friend Shawn in the apartment, he shared with my friend Judy who had already been living there with her room mate Amy. I had not heard any strange stories of things going bump in the night or anything for that matter. Shawn and I were watching a bunch of movies and eating junk food. Shawn's room had previously been a small storage room that had been cleaned out and his furniture consisted of a mattress on the floor and a metal folding chair with a fan on it. Of course, his clothes were strewn across the floor as well. As the night progressed, Shawn had fallen asleep on the couch, which was going to be my "bed" for the night. A half-asleep Shawn told me to sleep in his room, so I proceeded to his room. Well, I laid down and turned a couple of times, ending up on my stomach with my hands resting under my head and I began to drift off to sleep. I suddenly felt something brush my left arm. For a brief moment I thought maybe my hair, being as long as it was, was brushing my arm, but it wasn't long enough. I then thought that maybe one of Judy's cats had gotten in the room with me and had walked by. I pushed myself up on my elbows and scanned the room for a cat, but couldn't find one. It was dark but light enough for me to see around the room. I then turned onto my stomach and looking straight up to the ceiling there was a hand floating above my face, about six inches away from my face. It was glowing somewhat as it floated above my hands, the fingers never flexing. My first thought was that I was tired and it was my own hand. Well, after bringing up both my hands and seeing three hands over my head, I slowly deduced that it was not my hand. To my own surprise, I was still lying there trying to rationalize what I was seeing. Had I been drinking? No. Had I been smoking anything funny, other than cigarettes? No. Realizing that I was with it, I slinked out from underneath it and bolted into the living room and proceeded to jump onto the very heavily sleeping Shawn that I could not awaken. I remember this quite vividly as it was during the part of the "The Godfather" where Marlon Brando dies in the garden. Shawn didn't wake up and I spent the night in the living room, sleeping in the Papasan chair. Only later did I come to find out that this wasn't the first occurrence. A few weeks before, Paul, another friend of ours and myself ventured out to buy some late night snacks at about 2 a.m. while Shawn and Judy stayed behind and hung out in Judy's back bedroom. On hearing us arrive back from the store, Shawn called out to us to bring the goodies in back. Well, when we didn't answer he came out to find that we weren't home. But someone else obviously was. We never did find out who else lived there.

It was Christmas Eve of 1996.  I was invited to a friend's house for dinner and though my parents were upset that I wouldn't be home for that holiday, I went anyway.  It was just myself, my friend Karen, and her husband, Bob. We had a nice dinner and afterwards, she decided to put on a cd while her husband built a fire in the fireplace.  I must mention, my friend's husband's mother was in a nursing home or hospital at the time and had been very ill for some time.  Anyway,  Karen was going through the cd collection, while her husband was preparing to build the fire and I was sitting on the couch.  Apparently, Bob had forgotten to open the flew in the fireplace and as he used the bellows to start the fire, the smoke began to fill the room.  As I was sitting there, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a shape coming down the stairs.  Though I wasn't looking at it squarely, I could see a gray hazy shape of a small woman.  I even saw her hand on the banister.  I turned to look straight at her and all I saw was a cloud of smoke fill that area and go up the stairs.  At that moment, all the fire alarms in the house went off and we all jumped, startled.  By now there was quite a lot of sooty smoke in the room. Karen and Bob jumped up and ran around opening all the windows and the sliding door to try to get the smoke out of the room.  Finally, about fifteen minutes later, the room cleared and Bob got the fire started and we sat down to relax.  That's when I asked Karen if there was anyone staying upstairs.  She looked at me oddly and said "No, why?"  I said "I thought I saw someone starting to come down." Then a few minutes later, another couple came over and we were sitting having a drink when the phone rang.  Bob got up and answered it and he was talking for a few minutes, very low.  Then he came and sat down and was kind of quiet and I knew something was wrong.  I looked at my friend Karen and she looked at me because she knew something was wrong as well.  So I thanked them for having me and said I had to be going and I left. The following Monday at work, Karen asked me about what time was it when I had seen someone come down the stairs and the fire alarms were going off and I said it was around 8:30.  She said "Oh my God!" and I said "What?" and she said that the phone call they had received later that night was from Bob's sister telling him that their mother had passed away.  The sister said she had passed away at approximately 8:30.  Karen said "You saw Mary!"  I described the woman I saw, that she was very small and had her hair up in a bun and she said "That's her, that's Mary.  She must have came to say goodbye to her son!"  My friend Karen told her sister-in-law about the figure I saw and she agreed it must have been Mary.  I still get the chills when I think about that.

When I was thirteen, I lived right on the border of two towns, Lowell and Tyngsboro.  Woods ran through three towns which is known as the Massachusetts State Forest...and it's known for it's ghostly activity.  I lived on a dead end street that was surrounded by these woods. We used to hear weird things in those woods when we were playing flashlight tag and such games...but never gave it two thoughts.  One particular night I was sitting at home with my grandmother. My parents were out that evening and I was watching t.v.  A friend called that also lived on that road and sounded really scared.  I asked him what was wrong, but all he kept saying was "Get up here, get up here"!  I asked my grandmother if it was o.k if I went over and she said it was. As I walked towards his house, I could see him waiting for me inside the house, behind the door.  As soon as I got to the stairs, he opened the door and I could hear music playing. It was coming from upstairs.  The first thing he asked me was if I could hear the music too...and I responded that I did...but wasn't thinking anything of it...just like "yah, so what".  That's when he told me that he hadn't turned on the came on all by itself.  I tried to get him to go upstairs with me to turn it off....because I didn't think it was a ghost or anything....but he wouldn't go with me.  As I got up the stairs to the room it was coming from and opened the door, the radio suddenly shut off.  I went over to make sure it was off, came back down the stairs and told him the radio was off....I made sure of it.  He then made a comment that it would turn back on and we went to sit down.  About a second later, the radio came back on again....just as he said it would.  At this point, I insinuated to him that he must be playing a joke on me or something...but he assured me that he thought something was up there.  Still not convinced it was a ghost, I decided to go back up there and check out the radio....find out what was happening.  When I opened the door, it turned off I was getting spooked.  I went back downstairs and no sooner did I get down there, it came on again...but this time, you could hear what sounded like the stations were being switched, tuning into different stations.  My friend and I listened at the bottom of the stairs to what sounded like an older type broadcast. The man's voice and the music was something right out of an old time movie or one of those shows from long ago....before televisions.  This time we both went back upstairs and it the radio went off again....after that, it stayed off.  I think it's really strange that while we were downstairs the radio was on and when we got to the door and opened it, it would just suddenly turn off all by itself.

When I was about fifteen, I lived in Tewksbury, where my cousin also lived.  It was Christmas Eve and we were having a nice family get together.  My cousin and I decided to run out and rent a couple of movies.  Later, after returning home, we hadn't taken more than a few steps towards the front door when our attention was drawn to the backyard.  About 25 to 30 yards away, was this obvious stranger in the backyard.  Assuming it was someone that didn't belong there, we grabbed a couple of shovels, that were nearby and took off after him.  It wasn't until we were in full pursuit, running as fast as we could, that we made out what we were chasing.  It was a dark, shadowy looking figure.  Just as this dark figure got about fifteen yards from the edge of the woods, it just vanished before our eyes.  My cousin and I just stopped dead in our tracks and looked at one another in disbelief at what we had just witnessed.

My mother passed away on May 13, 1997, just after Mother's Day.  It was a very difficult thing to deal with because my mother stood by me at the most difficult times in my life when nobody else in my family would, so we were very close. After my brother and I made the funeral arrangements, I went to her place of employment to clean out her locker. I had been there a few times and most of the women who worked there knew me as did two of my aunts on my father's side. The door in which to enter the building from the employee parking, opened up into a long walkway that led to the other end of the building, with various aisles off of this main walkway. As I opened the door to the building, I walked about 15 feet past the time clock and looked up.  I saw my mother at the other end of the aisle looking right at me. Her hair was brown and curly like she always wore it and not only that, her eyeglasses were around her neck, just like she always wore them while at the shop. I just stood there for about 15 - 20 seconds.  I just could not believe what I was looking at, because I knew that my mother had just passed away and that this couldn't have been her, yet I was standing here looking right at her. I had to shake my head to get my senses back and when I looked again, she walked down the aisle at the far end of the building.  I ran to the other end of the building and she wasn't there and when I walked around the building, there wasn't anybody there who even resembled my mother in the smallest way what-so-ever!!  To this day, I don't know what to believe.  If what I saw was my imagination or if I actually saw my mother as a ghost.

My husband and I purchased and moved into our new home on March 17, 2000. I should tell you that this house is an old Victorian type built in 1883. It is very large with 13 rooms. The house was almost entirely original when we moved in. (The servants' bell was still in the kitchen with the button still in the dining room floor). Anyway, within the first week I began having dreams of small boy standing on the middle landing of the stairs leading to the second floor. He appeared to be about 5 or 6 yrs old and wears a blue and white striped shirt, brown short pants with suspenders, white socks and brown shoes with the old hook and eye type closures. I am not sure if he spoke to me or what but I had the feeling that his name was Joshua and this is what I have called him since.

Shortly after I started dreaming of him, our children's toys would start moving on their own or playing music by themselves late at night when our girls were in bed. Also some of the stuffed toys would disappear from time to time. When the toys would start moving or making too much noise I would simply say "We do not mind if you play, but please try to keep the noise down, so you don't wake the little ones" and it would stop or at least there would be no more music.

We also have an old woman who stands in the doorway to our den. We believe that the den was not original to the house, but was once a porch. This old woman just stands in the doorway and never enters this room. She is of average height, about 5' 5" tall and wears dark clothing. She has a look on her face that is either sad or angry, I am not sure which.

The other ghost that inhabits our house; I have never seen, but he does make his presence known. He seems to be only in the upstairs bath. He plays with the water temperature while only women are in the shower. This has happened to me, my sister and my best friend when they have used shower. Never to my husband, brother or my young daughters.

One day I will never forget, I was terrified by this man. My husband had taken the three older girls out to a movie and I stayed home with our baby. She had gone down for a nap, so I decided to take a shower. While in the shower, I heard what sounded like footsteps coming up the stairs…then knocking on the door. Thinking it was hubby I called "Hello" but got no response. A minute later…more knocking. This time I called out "Come in" but the door never opened. Then the water went to freezing cold and a moment later to scalding hot, then off completely. It came back on after about 20 seconds and the temp was normal. What I heard next was like when someone had several keys on a ring and holding them on one finger while shaking them against the thumb and finger. I was now freaked out, but too scared to get out of the shower. I next heard the sound of a door being pushed open across the carpet. Only two doors made that noise, my bedroom and the baby's. I turned off the water and got out of the shower. I was really scared to open the door and hesitated. When I did open it, I only did so a little bit and peeked out cautiously. No one was there. I quickly checked the baby's door and it was closed. I went to my own bedroom to dress and noticed the closet door was open. I do not remember if it were closed before I went to the shower, but it usually was closed. After that, I have never taken a shower when there was no other adult in the house and never at night…no matter who is here.

I have never had any other scary encounters in the house only the boy and the old woman. I am truly not scared here…so we continue to live with our ghosts.

My uncle Tom lived in a huge house on the top of Christian Hill, in Lowell. My aunt Marie and uncle Tom used to watch my three brothers and I very often. Strange things happened there. At night, when we all would sit in front of the T.V and watch The Little Rascals or something, we would hear the front door right to the left of us open up. I would get excited thinking it was my mother and father, but uncle Tom would say "Its not them...its just Charlie". We would hear the piano or the harmonica in the dining room when no one was even in there. Lights would go on and off and things would seem to mysteriously get lost then later be found. Charlie was a good ghost. My whole family knew of him. Everyone said hello to him when ever he would play with the door or the musical instruments. When I would ask how they knew his name or how they knew he was a good ghost, no one would tell me. After I grew up a little, my Irish beauty aunt Marie passed away.  Uncle Tom was alone and could not be alone any more (My uncle is my grandfathers brother). Well needless to say now that I was older now, my mother and father thought it was time to answer my questions about Charlie. My mother told me that when my brother and I were babies she would lay me on the bed because I was old enough not to roll off the bed and lay my little brother Andy on the floor (he was a baby and would roll off). My mother and father would be down stairs with my aunt and uncle having a few cold ones.  My mother would come up to check on us and find my brother would be on the bed with me (which he were too young to climb up there himself). My mom would say thank you and would leave him with me because if she didn’t, Charlie would keep moving him with me. She knew it was Charlie because no one would go up there but her. The story goes...when my aunt & uncle bought the house my family was helping with the outdoor clean up.  My uncle was raking when he came across a grave stone that read "Charlie, the little boy in the sailor suit that fell down the well", near a sealed up well about a foot away. Come to find out, in the early 1900’s uncle Tom’s home belonged to Charlie. Charlie was a five year old boy with a dog for a best friend.  Charlie was playing with a ball and it fell into the well.  He thought he could reach it and fell in, the dog jumped in after him to help. In those days they didn’t have the means to save any one from a well like they do today.  Sadly, Charlie’s parents heard their son and dog drown. My cousin Manny and my brother Andy were painting the house before my uncle sold it.  Andy was telling Manny about Charlie and the things he has done over the years.  Manny didn't believe him and said he was full of crap.  They then heard a plop and Andy said outloud “That’s Charlie...he’s telling you he is real”. Still Manny didn’t believe it and once again they heard a plop.  They looked at the paint can and there was paint all over the floor.  Since neither Andy or Manny spilt it....How did it get there? At the end of the day when the paint was almost gone they found two good size stones in the paint can. Charlie wants us to know he’s there, he’s a good boy. So who ever lives in the big haunted house on Christian hill take care of Charlie, because he’s already taking care of you. Look for him...he’ll be the boy with the sailor suit on.

Three generations of our family have lived in Dedham and almost thirty years ago, while walking to my grandparent's home, I had an encounter that haunts me to this day.  Just after dark I saw what I believe to be the ghost of a woman standing in the street on the corner of Thomas St. and Whiting Av.  I was about 100 yards away when I first spotted her. As I got closer to her, I began engaging in conversation, but got no response.  By the time I got only a couple of feet from her, for about ten minutes I continued trying to talk to her, but still got no response to my questions.  She just stood there, remaining eerily still and lifeless.  I waited for someone to come down the street, but no one ever passed by.  All of a sudden, I don't know why, but I got this bizarre feeling that something was wrong at my grandparent's home.  So I left the woman standing there and took off as fast as my legs would carry me.  Thankfully everything was fine.  I began telling my grandparent's about my strange encounter with the mysterious woman.  My grandfather told me that he too may have encountered the same mysterious woman when he was young…in the exact same spot.  What we discovered was: Back in 1917, a woman was found murdered by a brook, now known as "Murder Brook".  This location is less than 100 yards from where I sighted and spoke with this woman.    I have only heard of one of other person, besides my grandfather and myself who also claims to have had several experiences with this woman.  She said she has seen this spirit in her bedroom at night on several occasions and has also witnessed her running through the back yard. Perhaps this spirit once lived on Whiting, near Murder Brook? I would be interested in hearing from anyone who may know the history behind this spirit that haunts Dedham and if anyone else has ever encountered her as well.

When I was nine years old my parents, myself and two sisters moved in to a red house, built in 1902 that was converted in to a duplex in the 70's.  We called it "The red house".  We lived there a total of five years.  The people who lived in the duplex before us were pretty cool….they said they were moving because they needed a bigger place.  The first two years were uneventful….then my parents decided to convert the partially renovated attic in to a play room for my sisters and I.  The room consisted of three areas…the central area and two smaller rooms on both sides.  The two rooms were narrow like caves.  My parents decided to remove these two rooms to make it one huge space.  The first portion of the renovation wasn't too bad…the area was filled mostly with old junk, broken furniture and newspapers dated in the mid 1900's.  The other room was much more of a shock because it was filled top to bottom with old boxes of clothes and miscellaneous junk.  Amongst the items was a midsized velvet box.  It was pretty and immediately grabbed my mother's attention.  When she opened the box she found an old crystal ball inside.  Startled by it, she dropped the box.  My dad walked over and picked it up.  He wasn't as startled by it, because he was more skeptical when it came to these types of items. 

After a day of long hard work, cleaning out the place and tossing things out, we decided to call it a day.  My mother wasn't fond of having the crystal ball around, so she stuffed it in her closet out of sight.  We decided to go out to eat; when we got home…we were shocked to find the crystal ball out of the closet and sitting as pretty as you please on the kitchen table.  My father figured my mother just forgot to put it away before leaving, but I was right there when she tucked it away in her closet.  My mother picked it up and once again stored it away.  By now it was about seven in the evening and we decided to go next door to talk to our neighbor Deb who my mother had become pretty good friends with.  My mom began telling Deb about what we had found in the house and wondered if Deb knew anything, because she had lived there for almost 25 years.  They continued to talk for a while longer and we headed back home.  That very night….things started to get really creepy.  We started to hear what sounded like footsteps in the attic.  We also heard a woman and a man conversing back and forth.  My mother was very shaken by these bizarre sounds, but my father being the skeptic, dismissed it as the normal sounds from the neighbors next door.  My mother, myself and my older sister knew better.  The next morning we decided to sleep in a bit and around 11 a.m we were back in the attic finishing up the last of the clean up.  When we got to the far back corner of the one room, to our surprise there sat a casket….yes…a casket! It was obviously a child sized, because it was about the size of my younger 5 year old sister.  My dad called my uncle to come over to help him get rid of it.  They took it out and dumped it right away.  Around five that evening we were finally finished and my mom decided to begin dinner.  Things started up again.  The crystal ball found its way out of the closet once again and back to the kitchen table.  My mother scooped it up and put it the pantry to get it out of the way so she could set the table.  Afterwards, we were in the living room and heard a huge bang come from the upstairs.  At first we didn't think much of it; we just assumed my younger sister had dumped over her wooden toy box.  My mother, myself and my older sister headed upstairs to check on her…only to see on the way there, my younger sister tearing down the stairs with a look of sheer terror on her face.  She was screaming for us to get out of the house because the attic door had swung open all by itself.  When we rushed over to see for ourselves, sure enough we found the door had swung open with such force that it literally put a hold in the wall from the doorknob.  My mother closed and locked the door, double checking it to make sure it was secure.  She picked up my sister and took her downstairs to where my dad was.  My mother told my father about the door.  As expected, he immediately accused my little sister of playing games.  She began crying and about this time, all jaws in the room dropped to the floor as she shouted out "I hate that attic!  The man that lives up there came in to my room the other night asking for his things back…and his wife is very angry we took her things!"  My mother's face turned ghostly white.  She hurried my sister out of the room to bed.  That night, myself and sister slept in my older sister's room.  At around two in the morning, my mother comes in the bedroom to ask us to stop walking up and down the hall and knocking on her bedroom door.  Right as she said it, I think it dawned on her that we were all sleeping when she came in to the room.  She headed back to bed….but we couldn't fall back to sleep so we just laid there.  We heard a huge bang and next thing we knew, my parents came running in to the room screaming about the attic door being open again….I assume this is what the bang sound we heard was….that darn door flying open again.  They decided if it was going to keep opening, they'd just leave it open then.  About 4:30 that morning, my sister and I woke up to a woman screaming "Give it back".  We took off out of the room and ran to my parent's room.  They said they hadn't heard anything and to go back to bed.  We went back to my sister's room and the next day around 9:30 we woke up and headed down to the living room.  My father had already left for work, but my mom was sitting on the couch.  She looked up at us and asked "Who's been playing with that crystal ball?"  We both looked at each other puzzled.  My mother claims when my father woke up, the crystal ball was on top of the TV.

The activity continued for the next few months, all the while we renovated the attic.  My sisters and I refused to be up there after 7 in the evening.  One evening, around 6:25, my older sister and I were up there and had just made mention it was about time to leave.  Just as we got to the middle of the stairs, the attic door slammed shut.  We both heard as clear as day a woman's voice cry out "Give it back!"   Then the door mysteriously opened back up.  We ran out of there as fast as our legs could carry us.  We off and on would hear odd conversations between a male and female.  And the door continued to slam open.  One morning, my mother had left for work at 6:00 a.m.  She said when she woke up around 3:30 that morning; she went down stairs and saw sitting in the corner of the room, a woman.  She described her as foggy and said the woman just sat there staring at her.   I'd also like to mention that the bathroom on the second floor was always extremely hot. Hot like a sauna.  It would get so hot in that bathroom that we would have to leave the bathroom window cracked….no matter what time of year it was.  One evening; around eight, my mother went to use the bathroom.  She said it was ice cold in there.  She ran downstairs to get my father, but by the time they both returned, it was piping hot and the window was wide open.  About a week later, my dad went to take a shower.  He said he was rinsing off when suddenly the water got so hot, he ended up with third degree burns on the right side of his body.  He also claimed that he heard the sounds of a man and woman laugh.  All the while we lived there, my sister continued to complain about the man coming in to her room at night and even once brought a lady with him.  She said the woman was begging for her things and said that she needed them.  We later found out from an elderly woman who lived three houses down and who had lived in the neighborhood for almost 75 years that she knew the woman and man who use to own our house.  She said that they had lost a young child to an illness.  They were going to bury her, but instead decided to have her cremated and this was the reason they stored the casket in the attic.  She also said that they had even purchased a crystal ball in an attempt to try and contact their child.  She said they were good people and seemed quite un-nerved that we had tossed out the couples items they had stored in the attic….especially the coffin.

After a period of time, my parents decided they had, had enough of the house.  Our pets started dying.  We had three cats and one by one, they died in a very mysterious manner.  The last cat to die was "Molly", my older sister's cat.  Molly used to sleep with my sister every night on her pillow.  My sister said the night before she had acted very strangely.  She said that she got up to use the bathroom and when she returned, she climbed in bed expecting Molly to cuddle up to her as she had always done.  Instead, Molly gave her this odd look as if telling her something was wrong, purred, rubbed her body against my sister's head and neck, then jumped off the d as if to frantically run away from something.  This was the first time since my sister owned Molly that she had acted this way.  About three weeks later, we finally moved out of the house.  I often wonder if the activity still goes on in that house and if the old man and old woman are still slamming the attic door and shouting for their things to be returned.

I live in a small town called Ashland in MA. My town is famous for being the home of the first electric clock, and home to one of the most haunted houses in the country, John Stone's Inn, but the Inn isn't the only place where spooky things happen. My experiences take place in an old house that my family and I used to live in only a block from the inn. I was a child in that house, we moved when I turned 5 years old into a bigger home but my family's original home was located right across the street from the local pre-school. Our home was old though only one other family had lived in it, the couple who had built the home. Their name was Quigly. My parents had never met them, until we moved in of course but the problem was Mr. and Mrs. Quigly had past away years before. Right away my parents started to realize that they, my big sister, brother and myself, were not the only one sliving in the small house. My father would be downstairs watching TV in the basement that was converted to be an entertainment room and my sister's bedroom. My mom spent most of her time in the kitchen. My father would on occasion yell "what Donna?" (My mother's name), and my mother would call back "what do you mean 'what'?" My father would run upstairs to ask my mom why she kept calling his name and my mom would reply that she hadn't called for him. The same happened to my mother, she would hear what she thought to be my father's voice calling her when he hadn't. Other little things would happen, for example, my mother never used the oven because it was old and she felt that it was unsafe and she wanted to save money for a new one, but every night the oven timer (that was never set) would go off.

My experiences occurred when I was an infant, my parents would hear a women's voice singing to me over the baby monitor. My mother doesn't sing and my sister doesn't either and my parents never put me to sleep to music. When my parents would go into my room to check and see if anyone was in there with me, the singing would stop, and was never heard by anyone outside of the room, only on the baby monitor. As I got older, however, still a toddler, my parents would see me talking to people that they couldn't see. My father at first dismissed it as imaginary friends, but my mother noticed  how my attention would be drawn from one thing (say a toy or the TV) to someone or something else. She noticed that I would tilt my head back when speaking to these invisible people, as if I were looking up at a grown up and I would refer to them as the "old lady" and the "old man". During those years I was addicted to my pacifier and my mother would put me in my play pen for a nap with them otherwise I would get angry and cry until she gave me my pacifier but when I was punished, my father would take them away from me. When I'd wake up from my nap, I had a habit of throwing all of my pacifiers (I had several), on the ground and would cry until someone would come into the room to give them back to me. I remember doing this in the dark sometimes and having the pacifier returned to me, but not seeing anyone there. I remember that the door never opened, and the light was neverturned on, but I always got my pacifier back so by the time my mother and father heard my crying and would come upstairs to give me back my pacifier, I would already be back to sleep, with the pacifier in my mouth..

An experience my mother and older brother had was a bit more extreme. This was before I was born and my brother was a toddler. My mom came home after shopping one afternoon to hear the toilet flush in the upstairs bathroom. My father was at work and my sister was at school, so my mom thought that someone must have broken into our house. She called the police and my father and the fire department to investigate because she kept hearing the toilet flush over and over again and she knew that no one was in the house. My father reached the house first and went upstairs to investigate. They found toothpaste, shaving cream, & toilet paper all over the bathroom and the toilet flushing over and over again (handle moving up and down and all) all by itself!!! My father and the police department searched the house and found no one there and the fire department had no explanation for the toilet flushing on its own. The police couldn't call the event vandalism since no other room was damaged and none of our belongings were missing nor was there a sign of forced entry into our home.

Another experience my mother had, occurred when we had already moved out of the house. My mother went back to visit the new owners and to see if they had been experiencing anything "funny". The women explained to her about the oven timer going off and the names being called but that was it. My mother stayed for a short visit which included the new owner showing my mother her impressive china collection that she had mounted on the wall in the kitchen. As she was explaining to my mother the details of each piece, the whole shelf on the wall crashed to the floor, china and all. Every piece was destroyed. Right afterwards as my mother was preparing to leave (after the clean-up), my mom felt constricted, she couldn't breath and her arms were being pressed against her sides (not violently), she said she felt like someone was hugging her. My family and I believe that it was Mrs. Quigly  saying "hello" and "goodbye" to the family that she had looked after for so long.

If you happen upon the brick house across from the pre-school in Ashland, MA. Don't be fearful of the ghosts, (especially if you have children). They are playful and very protective of the children whom they watch as carefully as if they were their own. But if you in any way threaten a child or look down upon others, they will not hesitate to step in on behalf of those they love. I had a great early childhood thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Quigly and I am thankful for them everyday for watching out for out family.

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