When I was 19, my friends Melanie, Sharon and Dara (names have been changed) had gone to a bar for Melanie's 21st birthday. Only she and Sharon were over 21, so Dara and I were not drinking at all that night. We stayed out until about 11:45 and decided to head back to Dara's house, where we were all spending the night. We were on the highway, and Dara was driving, going about 85 mph. Melanie was drunk out of her mind and Sharon was only a little tipsy (she's not a big drinker). We were only about 2 minutes from our exit off the highway, racing down the road, when a cop pulled up behind us. He didn't flash his lights, he rode up beside us and we all sat very still ,and slowed down some, so that he wouldn't pull us over. I looked over at Dara and told her to just chill out, we were okay now, and the cop was still pacing us. All of a sudden I looked back to see if the cop was still there, and within that second, he was gone! I turned all the way around to see if he was behind us, and he was no where to be found. I told Dara, who kept looking too, and she slowed down to about 40 mph. We were on a long stretch of highway that didn't have any exits for about 10 miles, so he couldn't have gotten off, and there were no emergency turnoffs anywhere. Well, needless to say, we all started freaking out, yelling at each other, "Where did he go"??!!! Dara, Sharon and I all saw it, and later we decided that it was probably a warning to us, to not be driving so fast that night. We got home safe that night, if not a little shaken up.

When I was a teenager, my friend's grandmother told us a story about the Ghost of her Landlady's late husband. Aunt Em; as I always called her, lived in a second story apartment in a private home.  She would be sitting in her living room reading and she would hear all types of knocking sounds.  In her bedroom, the closed door would open and slam shut.  One day as she was looking out her kitchen window, she saw an older man motioning to her to come to him.  Well, because her landlady lived below, they became friends and she had told Aunt Em all about her late husband including a description of what he looked like.  When she saw this man out her window, she realized it looked just like the man her landlady had described as her late husband. Well, Aunt Em was a feisty old gal and her reaction to this sighting was, "You've got the wrong apartment you damn fool!  She never saw the man after that, but still heard footsteps and doors slamming.

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