I have always had a real interest in ghosts, but never truly believed in themthat was until I was stationed at the Atsugi Naval Base in Japan, about nine years ago.  I had a flight to the Island of Iwo Jima one day.  If you don't know the history of Iwo Jima, it had the most casualties in World War II. I always loved going there, being a real history buff and all..until this one day. I always went out cave hunting, looking for artifacts from the war. I've found spent shells and military boots, etc.  There are a lot of bodies that were never recovered, due to the amount of caves on this small island.  On this one particular flight, I was just too exhausted to do anything.  All I could think about was getting a few winks of shut eye when we landed. So when I arrived at the air terminal, I found a nice couch and fell asleep instantly. I was awoken by someone shaking me.  I looked around but no one was there. I figured it was one of my friends playing a joke on me, so I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I stayed still for a good ten minutes when I was shook again. I jumped up expecting to scare who ever was shaking me, but when I looked around and no one was there. One of the Japanese military who was working at the terminal came over and asked me what was wrong.  I was really shook up and explained to him what had happened. He just nodded his head, smiled and then told me it happens all the time.  I am very interested in hearing from anyone who has also had any strange experiences at this location or anywhere in Iwo Jima, Japan. 

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