One of my aunts told me this story.  When she was a little girl, she lived in a haunted house with her mom and dad. They would often hear silverware drop in the kitchen and the toilets flush, but no one would ever be in these rooms at the time. One night, her dad was heading up the stairs to go to bed while his wife was in the kitchen getting something to drink. He heard someone join him on the stairs and assumed it was his wife. When he got to the room, no one was behind him so he assumed she must have gone to use the restroom that's at the top of the stairs. He turned the light out and laid down in bed.  A few seconds later someone climbed in bed with him. Assuming it was his wife; he just kept his eyes closed and began to relax.  The bedroom light came on and his wife was just then, entering the room. He jumped up from the bed and screamed something is in that bed. After that they started packing and looking for a new home.  My aunt had a bad habit at picking plaster from patched holes when she was a child and this led them directly to the source of their hauntings. One day while picking at a rather large spot on the wall, my aunt formed a pretty deep hole. She started to pull out long red strands of hair. Startled by this, she screamed for her mom. Her mom couldn't believe what she was seeing so she started to pull the hair out too. When she realized it could in fact be human hair, she started to try stuffing the hair back in the wall. She plastered the hole back up and later after much thought called the landlord. The landlord told them that a long time ago an elderly couple and their granddaughter, who happened to have long red hair lived in the house. Rumor has it that one day no one ever saw the girl again and that when the old couple moved they didn't take the granddaughter with them.

I was raised by my stepfather who I call dad, so I didn't really see my real father as I was growing up. When I was about seventeen I had to go stay with my real father at his sister's in another town for a short time. I awoke one morning when it was still dark out. I saw a man standing at the end of my bed, so I said "Dad?" It did not respond. Again I said "Dad?" and again it did not respond. It was at this time I was becoming more awake and realized that I could see right through this man. I could tell he was wearing a red hat and shirt. I screamed, but he just continued to stare at me.  I screamed once again and then he vanished. My dad's sister came running through one door and my dad through another. I told them I had a nightmare because I didn't want them to think I was crazy. When my aunt left the room I asked my dad if he would sleep in the room with me. While we were laying there trying to get back to sleep, I told him what really happened. He promised he would not tell my aunt so I don't know if she has had anything happen to her or not.

When my mom was a girl, her two brothers, sister and mom moved into a big house across the street from an elementary school.  My mom and her sister wanted the upstairs bedroom that faces the road. The room was black with dirt so my grandma told them if they wanted the room they would have to clean it out. They wanted the room really bad because of the big windows so they agreed. They didn't have a closet, but there was a small crawl space they would store things in.  My aunt said she would always sit her things as close to the front of the crawl space as she could because she would get a very uneasy feeling in there.  My mom said she would feel like someone was watching her when no one was even around. Their room would also smell like urine really bad sometimes. One night my mom was up watching tv with a friend when they saw a gray smoky looking cloud float through the dining room into the living room and disappear. She had moved out and put this experience out of her mind until I was a young girl. My mom started working at some factory as a seamstress and met a woman who she ended up becoming best friends with. The women invited my mom over and when she saw the house, she told the women she had lived there when she was a young girl.  As their friendship grew, this woman finally felt comfortable enough to ask my mom if she had ever had anything strange happen while living there.  My mom told her what she saw and how one day her mom lined her and her siblings up in front of the stairs one Easter morning to take their picture.  When they got the film developed there was strange ball of light on the stairway. Then my mom's friend told her that sometimes they will hear a baby cry,  but when her or her husband go to check on their children they are sleeping.  She also said she won't go down to the basement to wash the clothes without someone else with her because when she's down there it feels as though someone is watching her.  She has also felt someone breathing on her neck in the basement.  She also said that the upstairs bedroom will sometimes smell like urine really bad.  My mom's friend ended up moving out so I don't know anything about the house now except that it's still there and someone lives in it. I ended up going to the school across the street from that house when I was a kid and would look over at it hoping to catch a glimpse of something strange but it never happened.  My mom still has the photo which I now know is a picture of an extremely large orb.

When my aunt was around eleven years old she had a yellow cat who she loved very much. The cat ran away for about two weeks and when she got back home she was very sick.  There was nothing no one could do to make the cat better so my aunt tried to make her last days as comfortable as possible.  Finally the dreaded happened, so my aunt went about the task of burying her.  It was a very cold winter day and the ground was frozen, so my aunt dug a hole and laid chunks of frozen dirt on top of her.  After saying a small prayer, she went inside and sat in the living room feeling very sad.  For some strange reason she looked toward the front door and saw her little yellow cat walking away from the door, towards the stairs.  She got up and followed the cat up the stairs and to her room.  The cat jumped on her bed and disappeared.  She said she could see right through the cat but she didn't have any fear of it.  That was the last time she saw her little yellow cat.

I am sixteen years old and I’ve always been a strong believer in the paranormal. My mom and I have had many experiences in our life that could scare the most stubborn skeptic. When my mom was in her early to mid twenties, she was just coming back from Madisonville with her friend. It was a fairly clear night and Kelly and she had just passed the train tracks when three stair step faces appeared in her window. They were all boys, around the ages of 8 to 11 years old, and were wearing the old fashioned yellow raincoats. Apparently as fast as they appeared, they disappeared just as quickly. Mom was convinced she’d hit someone, or something, and she started panicking. Pulling off the road, she scanned up and down looking for a body or animal. After retracing her path, absolutely nothing was found. Mom has often said that it never occurred to her until she got home that night that what she had seen was of another realm.

Several years ago, back when I lived in Evansville, mom and I were out with dad, accompanying him while he was doing barricade checks (he was a project engineer and it was one of the many things he was required to take care of.) At one of the last stops, dad had gotten out of the truck to do whatever it was that he was doing. I was extremely bored and tired, so I’d turned around in my seat to stare out of the back window. About five minutes after looking out my window, a really creepy (I hate using that word) shadowy male figure was standing there, staring at me. I wasn’t able to make out his precise facial features, but the most uneasy feeling came over me. I asked mom to turn around and see if she saw anything. At the time she insisted that absolutely nothing was there and I was imaging things. She told me to turn back around in my seat, but I couldn’t for the life of me turn around. Finally, dad got in the truck, turned the engine on, and the backlights turned on as well, but the figure was gone. Several years went by, but one afternoon, during my 9th grade year, mom confessed that I wasn’t crazy, and that she had seen the “thing” I was talking about. I’d asked her why she lied, and she told me that she was scared (at that point in time, mom was in denial about all things paranormal, she knew they existed but I think she was trying to convince herself otherwise.) And while I’ve had other scary experiences in my life, I’ve never again had that extreme drawing emotion I had that night.

When I was younger, my family would gather around the table and tell the spooky stories that they encountered throughout their lives. I would just laugh them off as if they were making them up until my Grandmother told one that sent chills down my spine. When her mother, my Great Grandmother lay upon her death bed, Grandma asked her daughter, my aunt to sit with Great Grandma so she wouldn't be alone. While my Aunt was reading to her from the bible, a black smoke-like cloud began to gather above the bed. My aunt was extremely frightened and screamed. Grandma heard and ran back to the bedroom. She saw what was frightening my Aunt and grabbed a small bottle of holy water a priest had left for anointing of the sick. She threw the blessed water all over the hovering black smoky cloud and Great Grandma. Within seconds, the cloud disappeared entirely from the room and within the hour, Great Grandma had passed away. To this day, we were never sure if the black cloud was the angel of death or one of satin's minions coming to try and steal my Great Grandmothers soul. Great Grandma was a very religious woman, so we like to think it was just death coming to take a weary soul home.

This occurred right after my sister-in-law was killed in a car accident. At the time, my brother was going through a very messy divorce and straying away from the church. Dick had been working late and had just walked to his truck, after he climbed in and started it; he had a very uneasy feeling wash over him. As he was about to put his truck into gear he glanced toward the passenger window, next to him was my sister-in-law who had died. At first he was startled and thought it was a sign that she may want him to pass along word to her husband Ron. He just smiled and said to the apparition, "Hi Heidi!" He then said that a feeling of pure evil begin to permeate out and transform the image, slowly turning it from my loving deceased sister-in-law, into a hideous demon with long fangs and sunken red eyes. As the evil thing sat snarling at him he said a quick prayer of protection and then told the spirit...and these are his own words. "Satin, get the hell out of my truck!" He said with a bit of unnerved surprise that it disappeared instantly. He never saw the image again.

My brother Ron (Heidi's husband) would often see a shadow-man with a pointed head. When he saw him, Ron would race to the spot. Every single time he saw him, he would always find money on the ground. Mostly coins, but sometimes it would be bills.

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