I have had many paranormal experiences through out my life, including psychic visions, out of body experiences and lucid dreams.  Just to tell you a few of my experiences….my husband is building on a porch to our home and closing it in. I have seen things off and on prior to this work being done, but for some bizarre reason the activity has spiked since this particular renovation.  One day while walking in the woods (we live on 8 acres of land) I heard a child's voice calling "Mama".  I'm not sure if it was a boy or a girl's voice, but it sounded as though this child were lost and trying to find their mother. The voice sounded as though they were between the ages of 5 and 7 years old. There were no other kids around and it sounded too close to be an actual child from the neighborhood. Later that night, I again heard that same child calling. My son was fast asleep, so I know it wasn't him. Strange thing is, my husband woke up around this time, claiming he felt as though someone were sucking on his leg.  At first he thought it was a bug, but when he felt his leg, it was all wet.  Several weeks back, I also experienced something strange while taking a shower.  I heard someone in the bathroom with me, by the toilet.  I began hearing a male voice humming a tune and at the time; didn't pay it much mind, figuring it was my husband.  Then it dawned on me that I had the door shut and I hadn't heard anyone come in. When I looked out, no one was there and the door was still closed.  Well to put my mind at ease, I asked my husband if it were him, but he said "No, he was watching tv the entire time".  I have also heard someone outside in the hallway, and it wasn't my husband or child.  One day I heard what sounded like someone cough; it was also a male voice.  I then saw faded sneakers and they faded right before my eyes. I have had so many experiences and to give you a little background history of some of the other things I've encounter…back in 89', I was living in Bolivia and starting to awaken to the spiritual realm. We were living in this multi-level house. This one particular night, my first husband; now ex, was gone to class and his parents went to a party. Well I was playing a game on the computer, when all of a sudden I felt there was a presence right behind me. I knew there was someone there. I didn't even have to wonder if it was imagination. I was too scared to look around. I began to pray and it all of a sudden went away. I found out later that the last person who lived in this house was a man and he died in it. I knew it was him.

A few months later, we all moved to Germany (where my first husband and his family were originally from). His parents just bought an old farm house that had been renovated a few years prior. Additions added on etc... Well one night I went to bed early while my husband and his parents were catching up on old times. I was not asleep…but almost there, when for some reason I looked at this wall.  This was an original section of the house. Out of this wall, a portal seemed to appear. I saw a tall blonde haired man walking, like he walking down a tunnel or long corridor. Needless to say, I was scared to death and couldn't move.  I watched as he came closer and closer to me until he eventually came out of the wall. I just threw the blanket over my head. I could feel him coming closer and I began praying.  Then all of a sudden I felt him shaking me. I fell unconscious. I woke up the next morning and remembered the whole ordeal.  Knowing it really happened, yet not knowing how to tell anyone I was attacked by a spirit. I have never forgotten that night.

Then years down the road, we moved again, into a house that was like a two story apartment. We lived on the top floor and the bottom floor was rented out to someone else. I had a chair by my bed that I put my clothes on.  One night I woke up and discovered a little blonde headed girl sitting in the chair. She was adorable, with long curly blonde hair.  She was about 6 to 8 years old and she was moving in the chair…rocking like a little child that can't sit still. She had on old fashioned clothes, with a hat. She didn't seem to notice me. I only saw her that one time.  I have had so many experiences; it doesn't seem to matter where I live. I know now, it's because I'm so sensitive to the energies all around me at these different locations.

I was living in Tallahassee at the time when these strange events occurred. I was living in a singlewide mobile home on a lot that was vacant when I bought it. We had trouble with things disappearing and reappearing in locations that had it been there to begin with, someone would have fallen over them.  We also had problems with the phones.  The phone would ring but no one was on the line, nor was there the usual background noise. It was such a common occurrence we'd laugh and say "oh well must be a haint" as a joke. We also noticed a pattern to the phone calls. The "haint' calls became more frequent and then something would happen soon after.  It got to the point we began to dread it. On one occasion, my daughter was coming down from N.Y.C. I was working the evening shift at the hospital so this was in the small hours of the AM. The phone started ringing. I was trying to paint my daughter's room and decided to take the phone off the hook to stop the interruptions. What ever it was, it was bound and determined to get my attention because then the doorbell started to ring. It was one of those wireless jobs that had never worked. The button was on the front gate. I looked outside, no one was there and being at the end of a dead-end street there were no houses close enough to activate the bell. Finally I went outside and removed the doorbell from the gate. I pointed the button at the house and pushed. Nothing! I took the thing in the house and put it on the fireplace mantle. It rang again. I removed the batteries and said out loud "'You ring again and I'm going to a motel!" It didn't, but the next day I called my sister to see if my daughter had gotten on the train and also to tell her about the bell ringing. She said "I'm sure it's nothing supernatural" and said my daughter was safely on her way. That was on 9/9/01. My daughter arrived in the wee hours of 9/11/01. We went to bed and were awakened by a call from my sister in NYC at about 9AM- this country was under siege. My sister in law had until about 6 months prior worked for Merill Lynch on the 86 floor of tower 1.  I'd attended nursing school at BMCC which is only a few blocks from here the towers stood, and two of their off campus buildings were destroyed when the towers collapsed. I have since moved to Pensacola and there has been no "haint" calls or  disappearing/reappearing objects that can't be explained. I'm not sure if I miss it or not.

My husband, a friend and I left to a party one night around 2 am on this lonely dirt road.  We had traveled this road many a night, not worrying about anything.  My husband and his friend were a little drunk so I was driving.  I had come around the corner they called haunted corner and there was a little girl in the road holding a water bucket.  Before I could stop the truck, I hit her head on.  I felt the hit and saw her and the bucket go flying through the air. We stopped the truck, got out to see what I had hit and there was no one there or a bucket to prove I had hit anyone, except foot prints and a dint in my truck.  To this day, when I drive down that road, I drive really slowly in case I encounter this phantom child again.

This series of events occurred in remote Loxahatchee Florida near the edge of the Everglades, in Seminole county. It was told to my by my mother, who experienced it first hand. In 1992, she built her retirement home in a remote location surrounded by pines and swamp. Many hours went into landscaping the land into a lush tropical retreat. 

One night she awoke to voices on the front porch. This was odd because she had no neighbors. Cars didn't pass by on the remote road at night. Peering out the window, she saw the image of two men, one of which appeared to be an Indian chief, surveying their land. Heads were nodding in apparent approval of the labor and love that had gone into their land. This incident repeated itself several times.

Then one night, my mother felt a presence in the bedroom with her. She knew it was the two men from the porch. They slipped under the covers of her bed, on either side of her, and cuddled up close. At this point she was frozen with fear and shock. With all the bravery she could muster, she firmly told them "I understand that you appreciate what we have done with your land. But it is our land now. You must leave."  With that, the two spirits got out of her bed and never returned.

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