Everyone in my family seems to be very susceptive to the paranormal. There has never been a home we've lived in that wasn't haunted.  Currently we experience electrical disturbances with lights, televisions, cell phones and even the computer. Sometimes the cursor will begin to move on it's own, slowly across the screen and just seem to stop when it hits the outside border of the screen.  One odd phenomena that happened back in 1992 during an earthquake. The whole house was shaking violently...but somehow...the beds stayed completely still as if someone or something were holding them down. I've also witnessed things like seeing movement out of the corner of your eye and even saw a an old woman wave at me once.  My aunt was lying in her bed when suddenly she felt as if a man had put his arms around her.  She said she could even hear him breathing.  My grandfather also seen things.  He saw a child apparition, running up and down the hall.  I believe these energies are following along with us, to every location we move to. I've also captured what I believe to be orbs in our photos. (See Kayla's three pictures on our "Reader Submitted Ghost Proof' page):

I have recently come to believe that my grandmother’s house is haunted. I usually visit there quite often and even have my own room at her house. Well, the room that I stay in now used to be my uncles room. He lived with my grandparents his whole life because he was ill. He died on Friday the 13th in 1999. After he died, I moved into his room.  I’ve never told anyone about these experiences, but I know I’m not the only one experiences things. I found out that there is an extensive history of deaths on the property.  One of the people who died on the land was a farmer named W.J. Hatchet, who died after being run over by his own tractor. There is also a pond at the end of the road, which two people and a child drowned in many years ago. Our neighbor’s husband also died a few months ago in a car accident; so this place I call home, is crawling with ghost.  You can’t get away from them and this is especially true for me, when it comes to ghost. I am very sensitive to sensing them.  One night it was about two o'clock in the morning and my friend had stayed the night.  We had previously been to a ghost special from BBGT at our chamber of commerce and had gone on a ghost hunt that night at the 1827 graveyard .Well, we were asleep when my friend woke me and said that some one was in the room.  I sat up for a minute and looked around, but found nothing out of the ordinary.  So, we turned a night light on and went back to sleep. The next morning while my friend was in the shower, I heard someone calling my name. I thought well it’s probably her in the shower wanting something, so as I got up to see.  I saw my closet door open then close again…needless to say, I ran out of the room and into the living room where my grandparents were. I also at times feel as if I’m being watched in the room and get the strangest feeling. It’s always so cold in my room…in fact; it’s the coldest room in the house. My grandmother also told me one time that she was in my room picking up some laundry and thought she heard my deceased uncle singing (He liked to sing and had a really good voice). She thought that someone in the living room was playing home movies or joking around, so she went in there to ask if any one had been singing but nobody had. She also said it had sounded like the singing was coming from the closet. My closet really scares me…I never go in my closet and always try to keep the door closed, yet something is always opening it.  One time the power went off while I was at my grandmother’s house and I am a candle freak, so I went back to my room to get some candles.  As I walked into the room, I could hear this eerie, soft humming of Christmas music. I realized what it was…I have a teddy bear in my closet (my closet is a big walk in closet) that sings Christmas jingles if you squeeze him.  Well I was not aware of anyone being back there because the only people in the house at the time was myself, my grandmother and grandfather and they were in their living room on the couch talking. I found that very odd. I feel as if my uncle is always watching me in my grandmother’s house. I really don’t mind sometimes, because I know he would never hurt me…but sometimes it just gives me the creeps!!!!

A long time ago when i was around 4-6 years of age my family lived in a 3 story house on the side of a hill in Glendale. I've heard a bunch of stories from my cousins and aunts about ghosts living in mirrors, but back then I was very gullible and never thought they were true. Anyway, this house was on a hill, so the first floor would be at the street, the second floor would be in middle and the third at the top. I slept on the second floor and my parents I think slept on the other side (it was a huge house and the floors were huge). One day I was down there alone and I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was so scared at what I saw.  Instead of seeing my own reflection, I saw what appeared to be an apparition of some sort. It had a face quite clear, big black hollow eyes and no mouth.  I remember these eyes were nothing more than blackness staring at me. I was so scared, I  ran up stairs and jumped on the couch with my hands covering my face. That is all I can remember of this incident. But one thing is for sure...I did not like living in that house and we moved when I was six, soon to be seven.

My new house was located in the valley area; north, around six flags magic mountain. I had a huge backyard, about 1/2-1 acres big. I loved this backyard, but always thought it was creepy.  It had big willow trees that hung over rocks that were piled to look like graves and old rusted gates. Every other day I would see someone walking by out of the corner of my eye. I would get scared and turn quickly to face him or her and there would be nobody there. We had a pool in the back yard and overtime I got in it, I never felt alone. One time I was swimming in the pool and a force started moving me around the pool out of no where...I quickly jumped out and ran inside. One night my friend came over and he dared me to go outside alone with no light and walk around. I was scared from what recently happened in the pool but I did. I walked around until I reached the end and out of the corner of my eye I saw a man shaped figure there. I turned quickly to face it and to my surprise IT WAS STILL THERE! I stared at it for a second to make sure I wasn't seeing things...when I started to run about 1/4 of the way back.  I decided to look back, this time there was nothing there. I was still really scared so I kept running. I told my friend it was fine and I didn't see anything because I knew he wouldn't believe me. I used to go around back to this metal gate and smoke when I was about 11-12 years old.  Because no one ever went back there and I didn't want to get caught. One time I was standing there smoking and the gate started rattling. I thought it was just the wind, so I kept smoking...when I realized it wasn't windy. I looked back at the gate and it swung open...needless to say, I put out the cigarette and ran. The entire time I was at that nice house I always felt like someone was watching me and I never felt calm when I walked around in the back yard by myself...I always felt scared.

While visiting at a friends house, something really strange happened that I can not explain to this day.  He had an orange tree in his back yard with gigantic oranges on it, so we decided we'd make orange juice.  We were in the kitchen where there are four light light switches. Each switch goes to the kitchen lights, the foyer lights, the living room lights and the chandelier.  Well, about half way through our making orange juice, all of a sudden one of the lights turned off.  We literally heard the switch click at the moment the foyer light went off.  Before we knew it....we heard another click and the kitchen lights then went out. My friend rushed over to the light switch and discovered that the switches had been physically turned to the off position.  We turned the lights back on, before the chandelier light decided to go out on it's own accord...leaving us in the pitch dark. I later found out that the house was owned by my friend's family for about thirty years and this was not the only bizarre occurrence that happened in this house.  I didn't have any further experiences until September of 2004.  I was home alone and was walking through the dining room to the kitchen.  All of a sudden out of no where, this dog toy came flying out of no where.  It was as if someone had picked it up and thrown it.  I looked around, but no one was there, nor was our dog.  Several weeks later, I again experienced something strange.  I was at my computer reading and emailing someone...when all of a sudden one of the lights in a light pole turned off.  I mean I even heard it click off and everything. I got up to check the bulb, but discovered it were fine, it hadn't burned out.  I have a feeling....this is not the end of my experiences either. And just to let you in on a secret...the website I were reading were this one, about ghost...and the person I were emailing, were Kimberly from this site. I don't know why I encountered what I did while on her site...but according to her, this is not the first time she's heard reports from people like myself who while visiting her website or trying to email her....had weird encounters. I wonder what the connection is? I doesn't happen to you too, while reading my encounter!

Usually when we go to sleep I leave the hall light on, but this particular night we didn't.  It was very hot that summer, so I decided to also leave my bedroom door open.  I couldn't sleep because of the weather...when suddenly out of no where I began hearing footsteps.  It sounded as though they were walking out of my brother's room, went straight to my room and stopped right at my sister's feet. I then heard what sounded like it running back towards my brother's room.  I covered my face with my blanket, because I was too frightened to look.  Suddenly the footsteps returned...again coming towards my room.....only this time, they seemed to stomp really hard. Again, the footsteps stopped right at my sister's feet.  This time, I got the courage to get up...but nothing was there, so I rushed to close the bedroom door and I never heard the footsteps again.

Every night, I wait for my husband to get off work (around 2:30 a.m), so I can pick him up.  While waiting one night, I heard a knock at the door and at the same time, I heard what sounded like a bunch of cats fighting in the hall that separates our apartment and our neighbors.  There were three knocks, so I got up to open the door to see who was there, but my brother-in-law had already gotten up and opened the door.  No one was there!  He shut the door and said he felt goosebumps cover his body.  We ignored everything for the moment, until I went back to my bedroom.  I laid down to watch t.v. when suddenly the hangers in my closet started to swing as if someone were inside the closet moving things around.  From that moment on, things began to get really weird.  In the hall, near the bathroom, we started feeling as if someone were standing at our doorway, watching us.  We kept hearing the refrigerator opening and shutting….the dishes falling and it even sounded as if someone were tapping our forks and spoons on our pots and pans.  We also heard something crawling on my brother-in-laws old bed.  Then a few weeks later, my brother-in-law started acting very bizarre.  He would say that he would see the devil in the living room or where ever we would go.  At one point, he even turned a funny purplish-blue color and erupted with blisters all over his hands.  These strange events didn't stop, until we moved out of this apartment.

When I was about six, we lived in a house in Long Beach. My parents had bought the house due to the size of the family. I still have this image so vividly in my head as though it was only yesterday. My older brothers used to sleep in the room across from where my sisters and I used to sleep and every so often you would hear the door to the boy's room rattle. On one particular night for some reason, I feel asleep in my brother's bottom bunk bed.  I slept through the night okay, but when I woke up early the next day was when I first saw "it". I was still lying in bed and as I looked over to the closet door, I started to see the closet door slide open.  Now mind you, I was only 6 years old and really didn't know what was going on at the time. Well as I was observing the door open by it self, some one stepped out and started to call me over to the closet. As I looked at the person, he looked exactly like my older brother who was still asleep in the bed directly across from me. In further observing this person (or what ever it was), it started to change.  His eyes became red and horns started coming out from his head.  In any case as soon as I saw it, I freaked out and jumped on my other brother...naturally scaring him. He asked what was wrong and I told him. He looked over to the closet and didn't see anything. He climbed out of bed and then told me to get up, that he would walk me over to the living room to watch cartoons. As we walked past the closet I knew that whatever it was, was still there just waiting. Needless to say I told my parents and they didn't believe me....that is until I got older.  I was around 18 years old when they finally confessed that they did believe me; but at the time, they didn't want to scare me.  I had seen so many weird things in the houses that we lived in. Come to find out the house we purchased was a great buy because the previous owners were murdered there. Since I was a kid, I have been seeing things and witnessed my share of black magic rituals and Ouija board experiences and even had a chance to see the Grim reaper floating about 50 yards away from me. But I will tell you this...every one of these experiences has brought me to the point where I don't fear them.  I feel the stronger you are, the weaker they are against you and anyone else around you. So my advice is: "Say a prayer when things like this come your way and remember God is really the only one that can help you when these types of things come calling". I am now a mother of a 4 year old and I teach him how to pray every night before he goes to bed.

Even though I consider myself a skeptic, the whole paranormal thing intrigues me.  I've never personally seen anything, but I do have a few experiences that I would classify as paranormal.  In 1991, while living on the West Coast, I was over at my keyboardist's house on the West Side for pizza and movies.  He had told me several times about his parent's home.  He said it had poltergeist type activity.  Of course, I just brushed it off. To make a long story short, during the movie I had a strange feeling by my neck.  It was almost as if a towel was wrapped around my neck.  It felt as though it was slowly being pulled from one shoulder to the other.  Having never felt anything like this before, I looked down to find the dog tags I was wearing around my neck, slowly fall down to the floor in a spiral motion.  I bent over to pick it up but found only the small beaded section with the tags attached.  To my shock, the tags and small chain was in a closed position. I checked the larger metal beaded chain that held them together, but it was also closed. It was like something right out of a magic show!!  My friend just stood there pointing and saying "I told you so!"

Another strange thing I've experienced quite a few times was when I've been with my engineer friend in a voice over recording studio in the Hollywood. Many nights we've heard footsteps of what we believe to be of a priest.  The father used to run the church, then it later turned in to a recording studio back in the 40's.  We would come back from a club only to hear the footsteps go down the hall to the area that used to be his room.  The door also seems to open and close on its own accord.  On another occasion, we entered the building after disarming the alarm.  No one else was in the building, no cleaning people, etc… yet after we left the building, we returned to pick up my friend's wallet he had left behind. When we returned we were shocked to find the prayer room fully lit with about 30 candles.  First, we would have never lit that many candles because it would be a fire hazard, much less leave them lit and leave….not to mention, no one would have had enough time to get in the building, past the alarm and be able to light that many candles by the time we returned!

Another encounter happened while my old drummer was doing a job in Beverly Hills.  He had a moving job and while loading the truck, swears he saw a little girl behind a tree acting as though she was playing hide and seek.  But he said she was there one second and when he looked again, she was gone in to thin air.  He described her as having really short bangs, like the children wore their hair back in the 30's.  While with his partner, he asked the tenant moving out about the child.  Surprisingly, the guy helping him move, also seen the child.  He said "Yeah, I saw her to…in the window upstairs….a little girl with a really weird forehead."  My drummer said "No, she didn't have a weird forehead…just really short bangs".  So, I know they must have both seen the same child.  The lady tenant was really surprised that the child showed herself to the both of them.  She also said that an Indian lives in a tree in the backyard.  She also said there was a deer that goes up to the tree all night long and will just stand there and stare.  Anyway, I found all of this very fascinating so when my drummer went back up there to pick up some work out gear, I went along.  I never saw anything, but the strangest thing happened as I walked through the patio.  We were leaving and I was well behind everyone else.  All of a sudden it was like I had walked straight in to a brick wall.  My knees suddenly buckled and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed by the strangest feeling.  I was hit with all of these powerful, negative emotions.  I was filled with so much sorrow and loneliness.  I have never felt these emotions like this before…and it hit me that perhaps this is what that child felt.  It was almost as if she had passed or walked right through me.  As soon as I got a chance to, I bolted to catch up to everyone else.  As soon as I left that area…all those emotions just subsided. 

This story was told to me when I lived in Los Angeles by a guy and his girlfriend who took a trip to Massachusetts. They went to visit an old farm house that belonged to his aunt.  The aunt died back in the early 70's and hadn't been touched since then.  It had been locked up ever since her death.  He said you could look through the windows and still see everything as it had been left while she was alive, including his old comic books from when he was little.  I remember them coming in to work after the trip all excited with the pictures they'd taken.  They were pointing and saying "Look…look at it", I was like "Look at what?" They insisted there were orbs everywhere.  I thought for a second "Oh…orbs….great…what ever".  They were very insistent that I take a good look at the pictures.  I swear, the longer I looked at these pictures, these little blue round dots in the windows took on their own personalities.  I saw the face of an old woman in the upstairs in one of the windows.  You could almost make out the reflection of her old reading spectacles.  Then I got the feeling by the height of where she was at, that she was sitting in an old rocking chair, just staring out the window.  Then I found three more orbs in the front door window.  It looked like an adult with two small children.  Again…by the height of these anomalies…I got the feeling I was looking at Grandpa with two little boys.  I asked my friend what was to the right of the house because by the angle, it looked like they were all staring out at something.  He said there was an old barn in the direction of their gazes.

On a final note, when I was a teenager and living in Connecticut, I befriended the cleaning lady at work.  She said she grew up in the Deep South.  Her dad was some sort of spiritual doctor.  He would use herbs and did things like placing cobwebs on wounds.  She said one day; when she was little, she was riding her horse home.  All of a sudden there were all these little balls of light flying through the woods as if to follow her.  They followed her all through the night, all the way home.  Her father called them "jack-o-lanterns".  She said she was so scared; she would just shut her eyes tight the whole way. I did some research on these balls of light and discovered variations of what they may be from willow-the-wisps to gas lights.

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